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Our selection of 4 student job sites to find your dream job

par | Aug 25, 2021 | News, Good plans

The student job allows you to make ends meet but not only. Indeed, it also allows you to have a first experience in the working world. Also, there are many reasons to look for a student job, the need to finance your studies or the desire to be financially independent. And if you want to find a job quickly, you will have to go through a student job website, thanks to technology! By the way, Kidlee has put together a list of student job sites for you.

The two elements necessary for any application

Hey, before giving you the list of our favorite sites, we make you make a small detour through the documents section and that for your own good. Indeed, most of the sites will ask you to submit your CV or even CV and cover letter to apply to the ad.

A curriculum vitae

The CV is a summary of your background and skills. If you don't know how to do it, here is a site to help you create your CV, just click here. As a bonus, here are the 10 rules to follow to be read by recruiters according to keljob

  • A reasonable length
  • A sober font. 
  • A complete civil status... but not too much. 
  • A professional photo. 
  • An eloquent hook. 
  • Airy headings. 
  • An anti-chronological order. 
  • A minimalist model.
  • A touch of originality.
  • A PDF format.

A letter of motivation 

We will start with the classic mistakes that must be avoided at all costs.

Take the first cover letter that comes up on Google, no.

Sending the same cover letter to everyone is also a no-no.

Here are the 3 guidelines for writing your cover letter: clarity, honesty and short sentences. It's up to you to use your pen in a way that makes you stand out and to personalize the letter for each recruiter. Also, don't forget to correct spelling mistakes. Finally, you must always keep in mind that it must speak of motivation because it is a letter of MOTIVATION.

The top 4 sites to find a student job


In 2000, three Dutch students had a common goal: to find a part-time job. They soon realized that finding a job online was complicated. So they started their own online job board. Today studentjob has created a vast online network of over 6 million candidates in nine European countries. It connects companies and candidates looking for an internship, a student job, a work-study program, a fixed-term contract or a permanent contract. 

The CROUS student job site: Jobaviz

We present you the platform made available by the Crous to find a student job. Dedicated to a student public, it presents job offers compatible with your studies. Moreover, you have the possibility to define one or several search profiles (e.g.: a "School year" profile, a "Holidays" profile). There is a wide range of jobs to choose from: administrative work, home help, childcare, entertainment, etc.

My Job Glasses

Myjobglasses.com is the first web platform that allows students from top schools and universities to make appointments with professionals in companies or mentors, and then meet them in real life. 

Thus, from the beginning, you will choose a student job related to your field and you will create a network with professionals in your sector. 

The student job site for those who want to babysit: Kidlee

Did you know that babysitting is ranked as one of the top hiring industries for students? The good news is that at Kidlee, the more the merrier! Plus, registration is a snap, all you have to do is click here. Finally, a last argument for the road, our babysitters are paid up to 15 euros per hour, great no?