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Home " News " Good plans " Noö Family presents its personalized support platform for single parents!

Noö Family presents its personalized support platform for single parents!

par | Jan 9, 2021 | News, Good plans, Special Edition, Kids, Lifestyle, Parents, Psychology

According to the INSEE census, single parenthood currently affects 2.9 million families in France. Today, there is more than one single-parent family out of five in Île-de-France. Moreover, in these single-parent households, the parent is often faced with twice as many responsibilities to manage alone. And this, without being able to be relieved by an adapted help. Indeed, whether they are divorced, widowed or single, these parents juggle daily between family life, professional life, education, financial pressures and other major difficulties, without necessarily having an alternative or adequate support that would help them see a more serene daily life. Noö Family, first platform for single parentsThis new service is designed to accompany single-parent families in all aspects of their lives in order to simplify their daily lives.

What exactly is Noö Family? 

Noö Family website

A personalized video-conference support platform:

Founded by Marina Rossi, a single mother of a 7 year old girl, and her partner Pierre Emmanuel Dubois, Noö Family is the first remote support platform dedicated to single parents. With the main objective of improving the support of these parents in their personal and professional lives, Noö Family is committed to responding in an adapted and personalized way to the various problems that these families encounter on a daily basis.  

Noö Family is above all listening, support and benevolence:

Parenthood, adolescence, separation, exhaustion, administrative and legal procedures... It is with kindness and with the help of a whole team of experts, all personally aware of single parenthood, that Noö Family listens to and supports single parents. And this, in each of their moments of life. Addressing all the issues of single parenthood in an adapted and personalized way, Noö Family experts accompany you individually, but also through group workshops and free conferences, in order to answer all your questions. 

6 categories of professionals at your service:

Noö Family

On the Noö Family platform, parenting professionals, social workers, lawyers, psychologists... are at your disposal according to your availability. Indeed, you no longer have to take half days off work to get answers to your questions. On Noö Family, you choose the professional who suits you and the duration of your session. And this, on your available hours (weekday evenings and weekends) for a videoconference session. 

Social workers 

If you want to know more about your rights, how to find a place to live, or how to manage all the administrative procedures, the social assistants will help you in a concrete way and in your own time. 

Family Lawyers

Alimony, custody, divorce proceedings, litigation, preparation of files... Noö Family's family lawyers are available to answer your questions. But also, to help you to carry out the necessary actions for the instruction of your legal files. 

Parenting professionals 

Crisis situations, guilt, parental burnout, education... Noö Family's parenting coaches and specialized educators share with you the keys to positive and benevolent education. With the objective of accompanying your children in their development for a more serene family life. 


Personal balance, mental exhaustion, separation, isolation, anxiety... Noö Family psychologists are also at your disposal, at any time and in a benevolent manner. They will help you to rebuild yourself and gain strength, courage and above all confidence. 

Life coaches 

Noö Family

If you are wondering how to get back on track after a separation. Or how to manage the tumultuous pace of being a single parent, Noö Family also offers life coaching! A team of personal development coaches will support you. They will help you refocus on your needs and desires whenever you want.

Career management coaches 

How to combine professional life and daily life as a single parent? How to get organized and how to find a suitable job? So many questions that single parents ask themselves and that Noö Family coaches will be happy to answer! Sessions dedicated to career management are available to help you define a solid action plan. Then, to implement it to bring you fulfillment and serenity. 

With Noö Family you benefit from : 

  • Individual coaching sessions and 100% visio with single parenting experts 
  • At your convenience, from 7am to 11pm and weekends
  • By professionals who, in addition to being great experts, are single parents themselves!
  • With the possibility to upload documents. To fill them in during your session with the professional for administrative and legal procedures 

How does it work? 

Book an online session with an expert and find answers to your questions on the Noö platform in just 3 clicks. To do so, you just have to : 

  1. Choose your expert for the duration and time of your choice, including the same day 
  2. Indicate your expectations and if necessary your documents in order to prepare your session 
  3. Book and conduct your videoconference session on your computer or telephone

Bonus : Noö Family X Kidlee partnership 

Surrounding ourselves with innovative partners and solutions that make sense is our mantra, Kidlee is pleased to announce its partnership with the support platform Noö Family ! For this occasion, Noö Family offers you, dear single parents of the Kidlee community, 20€ to use on the session of your choice with the code : KIDLEENOO