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Get ready for Christmas with these 8 easy-to-make ideas!

par | Dec 4, 2020 | News, Good plans, Decorations, Do It Yourself, Kids

Children before Christmas Eve often ask: "Is it almost Christmas? When is Santa Claus coming? How much longer are we going to wait? And it's quite normal that your little ones get impatient before the big day. Because there are obviously surprises in store! It is therefore important to help them gradually assimilate and measure the time they have to wait before the big night. To do this, you just have to get in the mood and immerse yourself in the magic of Christmas with various activities to wait and prepare for Christmas with the children. 

Here are 8 great activities to do with the kids while waiting for the big night!  

Making an Advent Mailbox:

Source : Humeurs créatives

We love this beautiful creation by Horiane from the blog Humeurs Créatives! An advent mailbox to make the children wait while making them dream. Through this activity, children will indeed discover the exciting adventures of Santa Claus. In this little mailbox, your little wolves will receive, every day, a postcard. Through these cards, Santa will tell them about his funny journeys! To make the letterbox, you can choose a shoebox or a cereal box to decorate. Then, find the great postcards of Santa Claus to download on Creative moods 

Christmas Bingo: 

Source : crazylittleprojects

What could be better than a little Christmas bingo to liven up your family evenings while waiting for Christmas Eve? This activity allows children to have fun while developing their visual memory and sense of observation. Various printable activities are available on Pinterest, you can choose according to your taste and that of your little wolves. The blog Crazy Little projects, offers a very nice version of Christmas bingo in terms of graphic quality. Find the activity in download just here !   

The photoBooth, one of the best activities to prepare for Christmas :

Source: An original mom

It's time to step into the spotlight and have fun doing a great photo shoot. This activity is a real fun to enjoy with your family. To make this Christmas photoshoot, you can suggest the kids to dress up for the occasion. Make a selfie contest of the best face. Or, to add more pep, make a photobooth with Christmas accessories to print. To do so, find the steps of a free and easy to do photobooth activity at Femme Actuelle. Other cute accessories are also available in print at Creamalice and An original mom !

Decorating a gingerbread house: 

Source: Pinterest

Whether it is made of cardboard to decorate or in gingerbread to be enjoyed without moderation, the gingerbread house is undoubtedly one of the flagship symbols of Christmas. Instead of buying it on the market, why not make it with your children and encourage them to decorate it as they wish? This fun and artistic activity will gently involve your little ones in the Christmas preparations. They will all be proud to display their creations for all to see.  

Find very simple recipes to make on the following websites Once upon a time, there was a pastry shop and Current kitchen.

Prepare the menu for Christmas with family : 

activities to prepare for Christmas
Source: Momes

This is a fun and mouth-watering activity. It's a good opportunity to test your little ones' knowledge of Christmas foods and dishes. Take some notes and sit down in your living room or in the kitchen to get into the swing of things and start the bidding to choose the final menu that will delight the tribe on Christmas Eve. If your children are old enough to write their own holiday menu, find this great free printable menu to write down your Christmas dishes!

Make coloring pages of Christmas

Source: Trail of colors

Kids love coloring, that's a fact. So why not take advantage of this relaxing activity that allows them to have fun while letting their creativity and imagination run wild? To get into the Christmas spirit and make the most of it, provide them with coloring pages with a Christmas theme that they can hang as decorations on the windows for example or on the Christmas tree. You can even participate in this activity by making great Christmas colorings to enjoy this fun moment with your little ones. 

Making original decorations: 

activities to prepare for Christmas
Source: Pinterest

Handicrafts and crafts are usually the hobby of the youngest. Imagine then that these activities can also produce beautiful Christmas decorations to display around the house or to give as gifts! Your little ones will be so proud of them. To do this, you can set up small craft workshops and offer the children ideas that are both fun and easy to do. Recycled decorations are excellent alternatives to have fun while recycling unused objects! Find our selection of recycled decorations with 10 great and easy DIY ideas just by clicking HERE

Making greeting cards: 

activities to prepare for Christmas
Source: Pinterest

And if we made it a Christmas tradition, every year, we would make great greeting cards with our family, original and full of love for our loved ones. No matter the result, the most important thing is to put your heart into it and above all to have fun. This very artistic activity will help your little ones to develop their creativity and highlight their tastes. To make greeting cards, you can equip yourself with the necessary materials (colored sheets, felt pens, colors, paint, glitter ...) and let your imagination and that of your children run free for beautiful personalized achievements. If you want to go towards more elaborate ideas, find a nice selection of greeting cards to do with your family on the website Modelling head or on the Kidlee blog by clicking just HERE

Small bonus : Make a jar full of activities to prepare for Christmas: 

activities to prepare for Christmas
Source : Momes;net

Do you have other ideas for activities? Why not put everything in a jar like an advent calendar and ask the children to pick a new activity each day? The website Momes.net proposes a DIY for this realization with a panel of ideas of activities to wait and prepare Christmas with the children. 

Find the details by clicking HERE