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Our selection of great family activities in the 15th arrondissement

par | Feb 2, 2022 | Good plans, Lifestyle

Looking for inspiration when it comes to outings with the kids and activities to do with the family? Tired of the fallback solution: spending your money in a shopping mall? Don't panic, Kidlee flies to your rescue with great plans! Today, we are interested in the 15th district of the city of Paris and its little nuggets in terms of activities to do with the youngest! 

Whether you are a parent or a baby sitter, these activities in the 15th arrondissement of Paris will help you motivate and entertain the troops after school, during the weekend or during the school vacations! 

The timeless classics of the 15th district: 

Tourist Office - Paris

If you haven't already done a tour of the 15th district of ParisIt's time! We start with a small visit of the district Montparnasse with a bonus passage through the panoramic observatory of the Montparnasse tower. Two steps from the Montparnasse train station, you can visit the famous Bourdelle museum as the icing on the cake! For music lovers, don't hesitate to discover the living exhibitions of theEspace George Brassens. . Don't forget to take a picture of the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty, we never have enough! 

For the lovers of greenery : 

Visit the André-Citroën Park:

Inaugurated in 1992, the André-Citroën park is located on the left bank of the Seine. More exactly, on the site of the former Citroen factory. It is an absolutely sublime public garden. This giant green space is divided into 3 parts: a large central park, the White garden and the Black garden. You will love to admire the impressive vegetation as well as the aquatic scenographies which are there. With a surface area of 14 hectares, this park which also reveals numerous exotic trees, rare plants, splendid greenhouses, will be ideal for a moment of relaxation in family. Children can enjoy a ball game area, spring games, slides and ping-pong tables. A small but important bonus is the captive gas balloon, which offers a 150-meter high ascent for young and old (depending on the weather conditions).

Just next door, take a walk on the Petite Ceinture in the 15th arrondissement

Open to the public since 2013, the Small Belt is a former railway track converted into a pedestrian walkway. You will discover a true haven of peace bathed in spontaneous greenery and populated by numerous animal species. The Small Belt is located between the André-Citroën Park and the park Georges-Brassens. And it shelters indeed, a very varied natural habitat: the afforestation, the wasteland, the forest edge, the meadow, the pioneer vegetation of the ballast and the walls. This makes it possible to accommodate different animal species. 

Have you ever heard of the ÉTINCELLES DU PALAIS DE LA DÉCOUVERTE? 

It is on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (as well as from Tuesday to Sunday during the school vacations), that the Discovery Palace welcomes you to its space The Sparks

On the program workshops and presentations exciting activities based on the popularization of science. The mediators will provide you with great opportunities for experimentation and exploration through 7 scientific disciplines: giant molecules and all kinds of reactions in the chemistry room, a robot, how it works in the computer room, and a celestial walk in the Planetarium.

In short, between exchanges, entertainment and learning of all kinds, you will certainly not be bored! More details just here

Shows for children in the 15th district of Paris: 


Enjoy the theater with your family!

Let's face it, theater always makes everyone agree. And that's good, because in the 15th you have plenty of choice with the many shows scheduled each month for young and old. 

The Espace Paris Plainelocated at 13 avenue du Général Guillaumat, 75015, offers a beautiful program for young audiences. Between musicals, plays and classical ballet, you will surely find your happiness in family. On the program: classics such as The Little Prince, The Thousand and One Nights or The Nutcracker. Discover more details here

How about a circus in the 15th district?

Good plan for this month. The Bormann Circus opens its doors to you at 5 rue Lucien Bossoutrot. 3 dates of representations are planned: Saturday 05, Wednesday 09 and Saturday 12 February. On the program, a new thrilling show under the name : Time travel. A unique experience to be enjoyed under a baroque and authentic big top. More details just here

As of April, you will also be able to enjoy The Magic Lantern at the Espace Paris Plaine. And this, to celebrate the pleasure of being together for a circus party. For the dates, it will be from April 13 to 29, so you have plenty of time to plan this great outing in the 15th district of Paris. Details just here

Bowling in the 15th district!


Admit it, it's been a long time since you've been bowling. And yet, it's one of the best activities and outing ideas to enjoy with your family. Ideal for a little competition, fun and a little physical activity. 

In the 15th district, it's at 15, rue Gaston de Cavaillet. The Front de Seine bowling alley welcomes you for games between young and old, leagues and tournaments as well as for your birthdays! Details of times and prices here

Go on a treasure hunt at the Gare Montparnasse 

Starting in March, you can embark on a great adventure with A Treasure In Paris

3 hours of pure happiness at the Gare Montparnasse are waiting for you. The concept is just great: you will discover the capital in a fun and playful way, while solving clever and elegant riddles! The icing on the cake: you will be competing with other teams. You'll have to solve all the riddles to find the treasure in the allotted time. 

The game planned at the Gare Montparnasse, is on the theme of travel. The goal of the game is to search for the treasure of Alex Cursion, the famous globe trotter and find it before the other participants. One thing is sure, you will love this incredible railway adventure. Details on locations and dates just here