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Study Advisor: the platform that helps students in their orientation

par | Nov 17, 2021 | Good plans, Promotions

According to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation14% of students do not feel satisfied with their first year of study. However, orientation is a decisive choice for everyone's life. 

Until recently, information about post-baccalaureate orientation was very vague and vertical, i.e. from institutions to high school students. 

But that was before, before the digital era. Why not take advantage of this new era to create a huge social network of exchanges between students? 

Study Advisor was born in response to the growing demand for information on how to find the right training. The aim of this platform is to help the student community, of which you are a part, to avoid failure, dropping out of school and unemployment among young graduates. Today, Study Advisor Kidlee is honored to introduce you to its new partner in detail!

What exactly is Study Advisor?

Study Advisor is the first collaborative platform of exchanges between students. This one, proposes you to discover for free the experience and the course of those who are a few years older than you. And this, to know their point of view on the trainings, the schools, the future jobs. In order to give you the best possible orientation, Study Advisor believes that it is essential to talk to students who speak the "same language" as you. A bit like a big brother or sister!

Wondering if you're more suited to business school or engineering school? Among the 50,000 students registered on the Study Advisor platform, there is bound to be one available to help you answer this question.

I don't know what to do after high school, how does it work?ntation Study Advisor

Study Advisor has created several tools to help you find the right school for you. As you may have understood, this involves talking to a student called AdvisorIt's like your own personal guidance counselor. 

You can find the ideal Advisor for your career plans thanks to their search engine, like on Google, it works with keywords, you'll see it's super simple!

If you don't know what you're looking for yet, Study Advisor has a solution for you too, so don't worry. The team recommends Study Advisor profiles based on your interests, your level of education and the city you want to live in. Go for it! 

BTS ? DUT ? Bachelor's degree? Because we don't always know all the existing courses and training, their Advisors have produced more than 900 files on courses and training compiled in the orientation guide. It's kind of like your college guidebook.

Do you already know more or less what you want to do later on in terms of orientation? 

On Study Advisor, you can search for a school in particular and find out what students think of this institution that you are looking forward to, but also learn more about student life. 

In collaboration with schools and students, Study Advisor has created sheets on available training courses. The price, the duration of the training, whether it can be done in alternating years, the subjects taught, the degree sought, the rate of professional integration. In short, everything you need to know to make your choice of orientation!

Are you currently in your dream course? 

Already, congratulations! We're thrilled for you. 

If you like, sign up for Study Advisor to help young people in their orientation by talking about your school career and by answering their questions! For each student you help, you get paid up to 5€.

This small student job is 100% flexible, you indicate yourself when you are available. Beyond the remuneration, it is really a good action for young people lost in their orientation project.