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Our advice on preparing your Parcoursup application!

par | Mar 10, 2022 | News, For babysitters

Hey, you're in a panic because the deadline to finalize your Parcoursup application is fast approaching and you still don't understand it? Don't panic, Kidlee comes to the rescue! So let's take a deep breath and start reading this article with a clear head. And yes, watching Tiktok videos between each game won't help you! Concentrate! Soon, you won't hear anymore about this Parcoursup procedure, it will be more like: bac bac bac... And after that, it will be: post bac (except for the students in reorientation of course!)... Is it better or worse? We don't know, you'll tell us! Anyway, let's stop chatting and let's prepare a great file.

First, do you have any idea of the Parcoursup 2022 timeline?

According to l'Internaute, here are the dates to remember for Parcoursup: 

  • December 21, 2021: opening of the platform and highlighting of the training offer as well as the modalities of the procedure and the registration phase.
  • From January 20, 2022 to March 29, 2022 You can make wishes. You can make up to 10 wishes and good news, there is no hierarchy.
  • Up to and including April 7, 2022 After you have formulated your wishes, you put together your file and confirm your wishes.
  • June 2, 2022 The main admission phase is officially open and with it comes the decisions of the higher education institutions. The institutions' answers arrive and for each positive answer, you have a time period to say yes or no.
  • June 23, 2022: launch of the complementary phase. This phase will only concern you if you have not received an admission proposal or if you are not satisfied with the proposals received. Therefore, you will be able to formulate new wishes until September 16.
  • July 15, 2022: At the end of the main phase, it's time to choose your course and register. 
  • Before the end of July 2021 Registration: this is the time for administrative registration in the university. Please note that registration rules vary from one institution to another.
  • September 16, 2022 End of the complementary phase and bye bye Parcoursup!

5 tips to have a top Parcoursup file 

Lost, you are, several formations, you will choose!

You don't really know what you want to do yet? One day it's a doctor and the next it's a painter? Even if the two professions are the opposite of each other, it's up to you to decide which one suits you best. And if you don't have all the information you need to decide yet, then try for both! With Parcoursup, you can apply to a maximum of 10 courses in 10 different fields. What's more, the offers you receive do not depend on the number of applications you submit or on any kind of prioritization. So, give yourself the means to do what you like because if you choose a job you love, you won't have to work a day in your life.

Your activities extracurricular activities, you will highlight

You still need to have some activities outside of school. Join a basketball team, play soccer, swim...etc. Have you ever been on a language trip? Are you an artist? Maybe you've even been a delegate or volunteered? If you have at least one yes to any of these questions, don't hesitate to add it to your application! Between two similar applications, these activities can really make your application stand out and are proof of your determination and curiosity.

You won't be a slacker, you'll have a CV!

Let's be clear, the CV on Parcoursup is not mandatory. However, some institutions may require it. Don't hesitate to include any experience that could make your application stand out. Also, don't forget that the platform offers a simple and effective default CV. The latter is composed of 3 recommended parts: skills, professional experience and interests and 2 mandatory parts: education and languages.

A school guidance coach, you can have

At first glance, Parcoursup is an endless choice of courses. It's not that easy to determine your future plans and your future career wishes. To do this, we advise you to call on a guidance coach. What is it? The academic coaching will allow you to be accompanied by a guidance professional who will help you see things more clearly. The latter will discuss with you to help you define your project and find the best courses on Parcousup. In the same spirit, don't hesitate to ask your family members for help.

Also, you can take orientation tests that are totally free like the one from Futurness, Zebra Generation or even Designers of the future.

Otherwise, there is not only Parcoursup

At Kidlee, we like to anticipate things. Let's imagine that, in the worst case scenario, you only have negative answers on Parcoursup (this is often the case for selective courses for example). Well, the adventure doesn't end there! Many programs are offered outside of Parcoursup, you just have to look. Business schools, engineering schools, marketing schools, CFAs that offer BTS... You'll be spoilt for choice. 

Pssst, soon a student? The best student job is with Kidlee!

Babysitting is more than just a student job. It is a vocation. An activity that creates a special bond between the child and the babysitter. The babysitter becomes a real mentor who guides the child in his or her development and learning, while also learning from the child. So if you love children and have had at least one significant experience in childcare, do not hesitate to register on our site just here ! In order to benefit from a great student job and to live serenely your student life with the Kidlee smart-baby sitting.