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Not sure where to start? Here's our advice for making the best choice of higher education establishment

par | Mar 25, 2022 | News, Good plans

As every year, millions ofstudents find themselves in the position of having to make one or moreorientation. With the growing number of schools, it is not easy to find THE right school that matches the desired student city, the desired course of study and the general atmosphere imagined. 

In this article, we give you 5 tips to make the right choice of school.

Refer to the rankings of higher institutions

There are several rankings that you can easily find on the Internet! All of them take into account different criteria: the average grade of the students You can also compare the number of students admitted, the average number of students per teacher and the international reputation of the school. Depending on your expectations and your objectives in this research, you will be able to orient yourself towards the courses that interest you the most and thus make your own comparisons.

Consult the student opinion and alumni

Once you have created your list of institutions that interest you the most according to your selection criteria, we invite you to compare these schools or universities thanks to the student and alumni opinions (former students). For this, there is the platform Captain Study which identifies verified opinions on the higher education institutions

The real advantage of this platform is that the notice are verified, which means that they perform an internal review moderation. The person who publishes his or her review must have studied at the school he or she is reviewing. For this, students leave their real name and surname (which remain anonymous on the site if they wish) so that the team can verify their identity and their educational profile on LinkedIn. In case the person cannot be found, he/she must justify his/her year by a school certificate. In this way, the reviews are sincere, and are based on real experiences. 

The platform Captain Study allows you to have access to all the reviews of many establishments for free! 

The scoring criteria are as follows: 

  • Teaching,
  • The school network
  • The atmosphere 
  • The premises 

The higher education institutions can also respond publicly to both positive and negative reviews. 

If you are a high school or university student, this site can help you make up your own mind. The website is specialized in fields such as tradethe communication, l'artIT, digital and cinema. But, it also begins to count manypublic and private institutions in all sectors! 

In addition, Captain Study is present on social networks (Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter) and is available for any questions concerning theorientation and student life. 

Trust the verified opinions of students and alumni or make your choice through Captain Study !

Find out about institutional stakeholders for your orientation

Unlike in high school, in higher education the courses are sometimes taught by speakers and less by professors. These professionals use their professional experience to transmit their skills and knowledge. 

To find out which speakers teach at the institutions you are interested in, the social network LinkedIn allows you to find information on the pages of the different campuses and groups. 

You will have access to their career, their background and their daily life. This is a very important criterion because you will see these people on a daily basis. And, they can advise you in terms of internships and work-study opportunities. 

Go to the open house days and the student fairs 

You have the opportunity to participate in open house days in physics but also at a distance! Since the health period we all lived through, higher education institutions have redoubled their efforts and have been able to adapt to the context. You can then decide to register for remote open house and ask your questions without any worries whatever your position.

If you are on social networks, the higher education institutions offer live performances to present their courses, the school, the atmosphere, etc. They can also have current students and speakers speak. This can allow you to ask your questions live and to understand its values and what it can offer you. 

To have a concentrate of lives with higher education institutions but also other important actors who can help you in your life as a high school or student, the Captain Study is a good way. The account talks aboutorientationThe website gives advice, talks about student life and, above all, gives you information on many institutions.

Orientation: integrates higher education institutions in an immersion day 

These days called "immersion days"are planned to allow you, as a high school student, to come for a full day or half day in school or in university for example, to put yourself in the shoes of a student and really experience things for a while. 

To make these days or half-days as realistic as possible for you, they often take place during the week and can be justified to your high school. All you have to do is ask your school and your parents about the schools that offer this program and that interest you! 

This article was published in collaboration with the platform Captain Study. If you have been or are a student in a higher education institution, don't hesitate to rate your school here. If you are looking for a college, you can check out the reviews already posted to make the right choice.