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Our 8 good resolutions for 2021!

by | Dec 28, 2020 | News, Good plans, Lifestyle

Here we are, the new year is finally here! And like every year, we roll up our sleeves, sit quietly in a peaceful corner and tackle our favorite moment of the year: resolutions! As 2020 was a very special year, it is important to approach the following year with originality, realism and simplicity. Because 2020 has taught us many things, among them, to focus on the essential. No fuss or extravagance for our 2021 resolutions. We're thinking simple, precise and above all achievable goals, this time! So what's up? Good will check! motivation check! We shares with you our good resolutions for 2021!

To respect our resolutions (not necessarily all of them) with realism: 

We no longer get carried away making endless lists with crazy goals. Opting for fun is good. But keeping it simple and realistic is better. Because once you have respected at least three of your resolutions, the satisfaction that results will fill you up and boost you for the future. The secret also lies in the formulation. Avoid the following: this year I will go to the gym every day to lose 10 kg in one week... Instead, say: Objective weight loss: 3 kg per month. Short, concise and above all very achievable if you have the willpower! For our 2021 resolutions, we therefore opt for a small, well-formulated list of no more than 10 short-term and long-term goals. We apply ourselves to respect them progressively and we attack by stage, 365 days is a long time! 

We consume responsibly and we favor local products: 

Forget compulsive purchases and unnecessary expenses. We list our purchases and errands over the week and the month while privileging the made in France and the local to boost our craftsmen and do good around us. We buy the essentials while allowing ourselves one or two small pleasures per week. The most important thing is to avoid unnecessary and daily purchases that often leave us broke at the end of the month. In fact, there are great applications that help you manage your expenses and your budget on a daily basis and throughout the year. This way, we will be happy to have saved money and to be able to treat ourselves with a nice little trip for example! 

We become (a little) more eco-friendly and we recycle at our level: 

To prepare for the holidays at Kidlee, we've gone for recycling! Christmas decoration in recoverygift paper made from paper bags that were lying around in our drawers and green advent calendar based on old packaging and toilet paper rolls. We confess that we took a real pleasure to make and to decorate all that! The watchword for the new year will be to recycle more and to be more eco-friendly. One of the lessons learned during 2020 is that the earth breathed a lot during the confinement, so let's help preserve it at every opportunity to minimize industrial and other damages. So let's avoid taking the car or public transportation when we can and instead walk and bike. This helps to protect the environment and to stay in shape! 

Do (twice as much) digital detox: 

Let's face it: we really, really, abused the screens this year. We can see you saying: yes, but we have to, confinement, curfew... staying at home doing nothing is boring! Yes but, did you know that there are several ways to spend time without using screens. Yes, we swear it's true! Reading books, gardening, tinkering, cooking, playing chess and board games, playing sports, pampering yourself, customizing clothes, drawing... so many satisfying, relaxing activities that are ultra good for morale. However, if we find ourselves alone with temptation during our detox, we minimize the use by listening to podcasts for example. At Kidlee, we love it! And it is partly thanks to our partner Sybel. Why? Because on Sybel you can listen to a new kind of audio content. Fictions, wellness, documentaries, youth, series and podcasts, for all ages and endless! You can sit back, relax and listen to exciting stories without looking at the screen. Isn't it great? 

In our resolutions for 2021, we devote ourselves to healthy cooking

Finally, healthy cooking is not about salads and seeds! Did you know that? No ? Well, it's time to start cooking healthy, because it's fun and very good! For us, it all started with the discovery of healthy instagram accounts as @pure_ella or great blogs such as HealthyFood Creation and The little pleasures of life where the dishes are as beautiful as appetizing. For this new year, we said to ourselves that we would stop just admiring their pictures while licking our lips but that we would really start cooking in a fun, trendy and above all very healthy way! Vegan dishes, gluten free, giltfree pastries, workout food, there is really something to do in this vast world that is healthy food! 

The sport we will do (much more) at home! 

Both economical and practical, the home gym has been a big hit in our homes lately. Live instagram, Youtube videos, advice and tips at will, no more excuses to avoid it! So let's make it a routine for 2021! For this new year, we introduce sport in our daily routine to the point of making it a totally harmless gesture to do every morning for 10 minutes or every evening to evacuate the stress of the day. It's up to you to choose the pace and type of activity that suits you: hit, fitness, zumba, yoga ... the most important thing is to move and enjoy it! To help you, there are various youtube channels, instagram accounts and successful free applications which are top when it comes to sport and well-being. All you have to do is choose according to your tastes, make a little routine (it sounds better than a program, we admit) and start!

We chill by appreciating the simple things:

Yes, our resolutions are very peace and love this year, and we find it very soothing even before starting them. We want no-stress, relaxation (as soon as we can) and good times to appreciate, at every moment, the simple pleasures of life. If 2020 has taught us anything, it's that we didn't appreciate enough the little things that make life so beautiful. Chill evenings with family or friends watching old movies. Walks in the open air. Coffees on the terrace. Movies in the theater. So let's stop telling ourselves that we'll do this or that next week, then next month... Let's take the time to enjoy ourselves, to relax, to meet up with our loved ones as soon as we get the chance and to make the most of these little pleasures! 

The top good resolutions for 2021: take time for yourself 

Between work, studies, family life and the thousand and one things to do every day, we tend to forget ourselves. Then stress, fatigue and overwork become inevitable. We can never say it enough: let's take some time for ourselves. To do this, we disconnect one day, one hour, once a week and we dedicate time to ourselves, we take care of ourselves and we relax to recharge our batteries. A nice little bath with relaxing music and candles. Eat a dessert that we like. Turn off your phone and admire the stars. Dedicate a whole day to yourself to rediscover the beauty of your city. Keep a gratitude journal. Reading. Meditate... There are so many simple things that do good to the body and mind. Why do without them?

that will be all for us! On these good waves, we wish you a peaceful and successful new year!

Happy New Year!