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10 reasons to teach children English from an early age

par | Sep 3, 2021 | Information, Parents

 "He who does not know foreign languages, does not know his own language" said Goethe. Nowadays, it has been proven that the earlier you learn a language, the better you master it. But at what age should children start learning? How do you go about it? So many questions to which Kidlee will answer with 10 good reasons to learn English from a young age!

At what age can we start teaching them English?

At what age?

A child's introduction to a language can begin at birth. The earlier your child is introduced to the language, the better he or she will be able to understand it later. In addition, when a child hears the language of Shakespeare at an early age, he or she will progress rapidly in learning English. During the period of 3 months to 6 years, a child discerns intonations that will allow him or her to speak a language perfectly without an accent later on! You can begin to schedule "sessions" or rather times when you will speak only in English, for example during bath time, during dinner, or through play activities.

Why learn the language from a young age? 10 good reasons!

Reasons to learn English at a young age

1. Children have a phenomenal ability to learn languages up to the age of 7. 

Until this age, children retain the most frequent sounds very easily. And their brain stores them in a category called "USEFUL SOUNDS". In the same way, the brain forgets the less frequent sounds. It is therefore very important to expose children to foreign languages on a regular basis in order to get used to the pronunciation of words. This will facilitate their learning.

2. Learning English develops your intellectual curiosity!

While learning a new language is very rewarding, it also develops other skills in a child such as better concentration, intellectual curiosity and organization. Without realizing it, the toddler develops intelligence and learning mechanisms that will be very useful.

3. It's not just a language, but a whole culture!

When a child learns English, he or she also learns the codes and customs of another culture and acquires greater communicative sensitivity. In addition, he or she will be more open to social interaction and will be more open-minded.

4. Easier to learn other languages.

For bilingual children, it is easier to learn a new language. And for good reason, their brains have been conditioned to have cognitive flexibility and sensitivity to sounds. Besides, having already learned two languages will make them want to learn more!

5. Improved oral expression and comprehension.

It has also been proven that a child who has learned English at an early age has an easier time expressing himself or herself orally. As an adult, they will be less apprehensive about public speaking, not only because they will not have accents, but also because they will be more confident.

6. Languages do not compete for the same space in the brain!

The languages do not compete for the same space in the brain, on the contrary, they feed and support each other. Children will try to translate the vocabulary they have in French into English and vice versa. It's a win-win situation!

 7. English is relatively easy to learn, compared to other languages.

 Note that the grammar points and the English conjugation are constructed in a rather simple way. Much more than the French language. Therefore, the child will learn English quickly and well!

8. Learning English helps your creativity and stimulates your imagination! 

A child who is confronted with multiple points of view and who speaks in different languages is more likely to be inventive.

9. It's a long-term investment!

For the young child, learning English is a real long-term investment. Whether in their personal lives or in their future professional lives, learning English and developing these skills early on will serve them well and give them the ease and fluency that many people seek.

10. English classes at school will not be sufficient for the child to be bilingual

The teaching of foreign languages seems to remain very insufficient in France and the level of English in schools clearly does not correspond to the standards required internationally.

How to learn English?

methods for learning English

There are many good reasons to teach your child to speak English as early as possible. But how do you go about it?

As you can see, for your little ones to learn a new language, they need to be exposed to it! Why not by watching cartoons in English for example! Dora the Explorer, which has already proven itself over many generations, SpongeBob SquarePants or even Peppa Pig!

Children can also learn English in song! The website Speak and Play English offers you for example many free English nursery rhymes, all accompanied by a brief description and a grammatical and phonological analysis

There are also platforms that offer free English courses such as DuoLingo

Around age 5 or 6, you can suggest reading books in English! This will help them become more familiar with spelling and writing words. Such as Mini-Loup, mon imagier français, anglais ; Philippe Matter

English immersion remains one of the most effective techniques to learn the language. It is actually experiential learning. The children are put in a concrete teaching situation through a bilingual nanny or native English speaker who does progress in English by conversing with them in their language during recreational activities. At Kidleewe train our native or bilingual babysitters to organize activities and events mini games to introduce you to English as a complement to speaking English. In immersion, from an early age, a child has a better chance of assimilating the language.

If you want to improve your English once you're a little older, then a language trip is recommended. Fortunately, there are plenty of tours in the UK or other English-speaking countries!