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These 6 tips will help you ace your job interview in Paris!

par | Jan 21, 2022 | For babysitters

After the top 4 sites to find the job that suits you. As well as Kidlee's tips for getting the right student job. You think the fateful moment of the job interview has come! Don't panic, Kidlee is here. So, let's go for some tips to succeed in your interview and get a student job in Paris.

Respect the timing!

As the saying goes: before the time is not the time and after the time is not the time. It is therefore essential to arrive on time for the interview or rather to join the zoom call at the indicated time.

Have a minimum of knowledge about the company

It is essential to know some information about the company and the position before you can go to the job interview. In addition, this information will allow you to feel a little more at ease. It will also show that you are really interested in the position. 

Prepare answers to questions that recur during student job interviews:

If you've ever done at least one job interview in your life, you should know what we're talking about. For example: tell us three of your qualities and three of your faults. And here, if you haven't prepared in advance, you're going to come up empty! 

By the way, speaking of these boat issues, Michaelpage listed the 10 most repeated, here are a few: 

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What do you know about our company? 
  3. Why are you interested in the position?  
  4. Tell me about a professional project of which you are particularly proud and vice versa. 
  5. How do you see your career? 
  6. Why are you the ideal candidate? 
  7. Are you a leader?
  8. Tell me about your former employer.

Small details that make all the difference 

We don't necessarily think about it, but the probability of your best friend calling you on your phone during an interview is quite high. And as a result, your future boss will get a taste of your musical repertoire.

Maybe it will work in your favor and maybe not. So, we advise you to turn off your cell phone. And in the same vein, simple and simple advice: take notes, don't ask questions about money (we'll talk about that later).

Student job in Paris: forget the shirt and pajama pants look

Of course this advice is very important if the interview is done in video, because in person, we doubt that you will go in your pajamas, at least, we hope that it is not the case.

Anyway, think about dressing professionally, not too cool, not too serious. An outfit that suits you, but that also looks professional and that you feel comfortable in!

Less stressed and more enthusiastic

It's easier said than done, but you just have to believe it! We remind you that the employer is used to seeing candidates stress during interviews, so it's okay. On the other hand, you should not let your stress make you lose your temper completely. On the other hand, don't forget your good vibes during the interview. Answer all questions with enthusiasm and positivity. This way, you will prove to the employer your motivation to work for him.

Top student job in Paris: have you thought about babysitting with Kidlee? 

Babysitting is more than just a student job. It is a vocation. An activity that creates a special bond between the child and the babysitter. The babysitter becomes a real mentor who guides the child in his or her development and learning, while also learning from the child. So if you love children and have had at least one significant experience in childcare, do not hesitate to register on our site just here ! In order to benefit from a great student job and to live serenely your student life with the smart-baby sitting Kidlee ? In addition, we are super nice during the interviews, promise, swear, they call us the happiness!