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Home " Babysitting " Here's our advice on how to find the perfect student job!

Here's our advice on how to find the perfect student job!

par | Mar 22, 2021 | Babysitting

Need to finance your studies? Want to be financially independent? Are you looking for a first experience in the working world? There are many reasons to look for a student job. 

A student job is a must. But the road to student employment can be a rocky one. KidleeWe've put together a list of ways to find a job that's right for you and tips on how to get it.

What type of student job should I choose? 

Here, you will have to answer 3 questions to situate yourself in your job search.

Why do you need a student job?

a young man on his way to university

Need additional income, want work experience or free time to spare.

Depending on the answer, you will already have an idea of which sector to choose.

What is your availability? 

A few hours a week, part-time, day or evening, weekends, a few days a week, or school vacations only.

If, for example, you have classes every day until 6 p.m., you might as well look for evening student jobs.

Can you really manage a job on top of your studies? 

Having a few hours of classes per week and writing a thesis are not the same thing.

So you have to be sure you can handle it and be well organized.

What remuneration can I expect? 

The minimum possible is equivalent to the gross hourly SMIC, i.e. 10.25 €. But you will have to take into account the social contributions deducted from the SMIC to get your net salary. Also, don't forget the possible bonuses. For example, a waiter can get up to 30 € in tips.  

For student street-marketing jobs such as flyer distribution, you can expect to pay around 10 € gross per hour.

And don't forget that the salary can vary greatly depending on the region.

The to-do list 

If you check all the next criteria, you're on your way to your dream job!

A curriculum vitae

But what is this word in Latin? Okay, if we say CV, does that mean anything to you? The CV is a summary of your background and skills. If you don't know how to do it, here is a website to help you create your CV, just click here. As a bonus, here are the 10 rules to follow to be read by recruiters according to keljob

  • A reasonable length. 
Student job: a girl preparing her resume
  • A sober font. 
  • A complete civil status... but not too much. 
  • A professional photo. 
  • An eloquent hook. 
  • Airy headings. 
  • An anti-chronological order. 
  • A minimalist model.
  • A touch of originality.
  • A PDF format.

A letter of motivation 

Student job: a girl preparing her cover letter

Take the first cover letter that comes up on Google, no.

Sending the same cover letter to everyone is also a no-no.

Here are the 3 guidelines for writing your cover letter: clarity, honesty and short sentences. In short, the letter should not be a copy of the resume, here we are talking about motivation, not competence. It is up to you to use your pen in a way that makes you stand out and to personalize the letter for each recruiter. Also, don't forget to correct spelling mistakes.

Find the student job

So, now you're ready to find your student job. So, we tell you where to find your chance.

Word of mouth 

If you're looking for a job, start by talking to your loved ones. Maybe someone has a lead on finding a summer job or someone can support your application. Besides, you should always think about maximizing your chances.

The job boards

What would we do without technology today! All you need is Wi-Fi or 4G and you'll have a multitude of offers. After that, you will be able to find job offers on specialized websites such as : Jobaviz, LeBonCoin , The student or even Job center.

Social networks 

No but âllo, you want to get a little job and you don't have an account LinkedIn ?

Nowadays, many companies post their advertisements on it. In addition, you can chat directly with the recruiter.

The spontaneous application 

This involves sending or dropping off a CV directly to the company. You must spontaneously hand in a CV and a cover letter at the reception desk of a company. This method has several advantages, notably that of feeling like a VIP. Indeed, when an ad is posted, the company receives a lot of applications, but you are already in the database. Finally, it will prove that you are really interested in this company.

A selection of sectors that are recruiting

We have prepared a small list of the most accessible student jobs.

  • Babysitting (if you want to become a baby sitter, it's through here). 
  • Catering (service, kitchen, cashier, maintenance)
  • In-store salesperson
  • Deliverer
  • Academic support
  • Cashier in a department store
  • A civic service (the civic service allowance is 577 euros per month)

To conclude, you now have all the keys in hand to find the job you want! However, we are counting on you not to abandon your studies for all that. Have a good flight!

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