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Here's how to babysit with our tips from the pros!

par | Apr 7, 2021 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips

For whatever reason, you've just decided that your future student job will be a baby sitter! And because you never do things by halves, you want to do as much as possible. So the question arises: how do you babysit and do it like a boss? This is where Kidlee comes to the rescue. We have prepared 3 commandments for you to be the best babysitter.

But first, how to become a baby sitter? 

Opt for word of mouth 

If you're looking for childcare, you can start by talking to people you know. Maybe someone can point you in the right direction!

Specialized sites 

One of the wonders of technology! All you need is a good internet connection and you'll have a multitude of offers. All you have to do is find the ad that suits you best.

Become a baby sitter through a childcare agency

Today, many parents use specialized agencies to look after their children. If you want to know more about the recruitment process, it is here.

Moreover, at KidleeThe baby-sitters receive an income of 15€ gross/hour. And they can benefit from training and ongoing support. It doesn't stop there, Kidlee helps its sitters to be the best by sharing content and resources with them on an ongoing basis. On Instagram or via the Newsletters. Don't hesitate to follow us to get tips and good deals!

How to babysit: 3 basic commandments

how to baby sit : a mother talking with a baby sitter
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Taking the time to get to know the family

Every family is unique and has its own way of life. As a babysitter you have to respect that. For parents, ask what is allowed and what is not. Don't hesitate to talk to the children to find out their interests and needs.

This way, you can offer your children activities that are sure to delight them. However, if you feel that your parents' values are not in line with yours, you can decline the offer!

how to babysit: a babysitter playing with a child
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How to babysit: ensuring a safe environment 

Parents want to entrust their children to someone they can trust. You will need to be serious, mature and responsible. You can start by writing down the phone numbers on an emergency list. This list should include the phone numbers of the emergency services as well as the parents. Also, don't forget to ask about the child's allergies and intolerances. In short, the child you will be babysitting will be your responsibility and you must provide maximum security.

Organization and flexibility 

how to babysit : a baby sitter making her schedule
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Parents may ask you to babysit during the week, but they may also need you on a weekend. At that time, they need you to be flexible. They'll be happy not to cancel their schedule and they'll know you're a great nanny!

As far as organization is concerned, arriving 30 minutes late for the first baby sitting session is generally unforgivable. You owe it to yourself to be on time. Punctuality is one of the most important and indispensable qualities of a babysitter. It is therefore essential toorganize your schedule so as not to disappoint the parents.

How to babysit with Kidlee 

Taking care of children is not that easy. It's a job you have to take very seriously. Obviously, no one is perfect, so you don't have to meet all the requirements. But the closer you get to it, the better!

At Kidlee, we have a team of advisors who are here to answer your questions and support you. We strive to find the right assignments for our babysitters. We find childcare close to home and in line with their availability to make their lives easier.

On the administrative side, Kidlee also assists its caregivers with every step. In a diligent way and with a dedicated follow-up so that their babysitting goes like clockwork!

In addition, as mentioned above, on the blog from Kidleenewsletters and accounts Instagram, Kidlee provides comprehensive guidance and advice so that you never run out of ideas and resources during your childcare. You wish to do some baby sitting with Kidlee ? Register by clicking just here.