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Being a babysitter abroad: why and how?

by | Nov 19, 2021 | Babysitting, Good plans, Promotions

There is a little job that will allow you to travel, it is to become a babysitter abroad. Indeed, you will be able to improve your foreign language skills, but also live an incredible experience. In this article, we explain to you why you should become a babysitter abroad and what the steps are to become one. 

Why be a babysitter abroad? 

If you have always dreamed of traveling, babysitting can be a great opportunity to cross borders. Indeed, many families are looking for au pairs to take care of their children. You will live with the family on a daily basis and take care of the children in exchange for a financial compensation. Generally, the salary is not as high as if you were working for a company, but you are provided with food and lodging. This means that you have fewer expenses and can use your salary for personal expenses. 

Beyond the pay, you will live a very enriching experience. By choosing to become a babysitter abroad, you will be able to progress in a foreign language at first. You will learn everyday words, but also be able to practice all day long. Immersion is the most effective solution for progress in English. If you are still not very comfortable with English, you can choose to take additional English classes. This is possible in the context of a half-pair stay for example. 

How to become a babysitter abroad? 

To become a babysitter abroad, several solutions are available to you. You can choose to become an au pair, or you can find ads for odd jobs on site. 

Becoming an au pair

Becoming an au pair is the "easiest" solution for you to find a job abroad. Indeed, it is a fairly common model and families are generally used to this way of working. You can choose to go with an organization, to be a full-time au pair, or to become a half-pair. The advantage of becoming a half-pair is that you will be able to take English classes and progress more quickly. StudiesUP is an organization that helps you find the right program in Australia or New Zealand! Contact them to find out more about the program. If you want to become an au pair in Australia, we have written a complete article on the subject.

Find a small job directly on site

The second solution is to find a small job directly on the spot. For this, you can look for classified ads on the internet (Gumtree for example, which is the equivalent of Le Bon Coin and which works in many English-speaking countries. You will find many offers for small jobs). 

You can also find out about Facebook groups depending on the country you are visiting. Indeed, there are many numerous groups for chicks who travel for example, and expat families can post their ad. 
You now have all the information you need to become a babysitter abroad. If you want to practice before taking the plunge, you can become a babysitter in the Paris area with Kidlee. We propose playful guards and even foreign language guards. You will be able to practice your new skills on the other side of the world when you return!