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All our advice to help / prepare your child for dictation in CM1

par | Mar 5, 2021 | School, Parents

Today, let's start with a little culture point. Have you ever asked yourself the question: who had the crazy idea to invent dictation? If not, we think your child must still be thinking about it. Indeed, since 2017, the government has introduced a dictation per day to the school program for children from CP to CM2. So, you can explain to your child the origin of this dictation when he asks you why the CM1 dictation exists.

Indeed, lexical spelling was born in the 17th century thanks to the French Academy. However, it was not until 200 years later that dictation appeared. The best known and hardest is the dictation of Mérimée. That's it, the history class is over now, it's time to talk about dictation, especially the CM1 dictation, because that's the one we are interested in for this article.

The benefits of the CM1 dictation

Develop your concentration

Dictation requires a lot of attention in order to hear and write without losing the thread. Therefore, with each additional dictation, your child will find it easier to concentrate.

A mastery of the French language thanks to the CM1 dictation


It is an excellent way to improve your listening and comprehension skills.


Conjugation is very difficult at the beginning, but your child will be able to rectify his spelling mistakes little by little.


It helps to enrich the child's vocabulary on a daily basis.

How to prepare the child for a CM1 dictation?

Reading stories in pairs 

A few days ago, we talked to you about the need to telling stories to children. This is a subtle way to prepare the child for a cm1 cm2 dictation. Indeed, you can start by reading the story. Then ask the child to read the text in turn. This will allow him to develop his visual recognition of spelling and his pronunciation.

A 10-step guide to help your children improve their CM1 dictation

Choose a text adapted to your child's level.

Begin by reading the text aloud.

Let the child read the text alone like a grown-up.

dictation cm1 : a babysitter who helps a little girl with her homework

Check that he/she has understood the meaning of the text.

Explain words that they don't understand or have difficulty with.

See the spelling used in the text and justify.

Ask the child to reread each word and identify spelling difficulties. Then, the child can use a color code that he or she has prepared. For example, red for silent letters, green for double consonants and so on.

Help the child memorize the words being learned. Whether it is a visual or tactile memory, the most important thing is to keep them in mind.

Encourage the child to write the words without a model and compare them with the model. If there is an error, it is advisable to look for its origin. It may be a forgotten grammar rule, a forgotten silent letter, etc.

Ask the child to rewrite the misspelled words without a model.

Now you can start the dictation in order to help your dog progress.

And what if dictation turned into a real pleasure?

dictation cm1 : family photo between doing the children's homework all together

If your child quickly tires of dictation, we have a quick fix. Instead of dictating meaningless words, figure out how to give value to the words he needs to learn. To start, you delegate the task of writing the shopping list to your child. Also, you can invite him to participate in writing the greeting cards.

You can also give him a flash dictation based on his favorite characters, Harry Potter for example is very successful when it comes to dictation! This will push him to apply himself while having fun.

Alternatively, if you want to raise the bar even higher, you can ask your child to make up stories. Try to prepare lists of take-home words ahead of time to encourage the child to use them in the story.

Otherwise, why not give your child a diary? It will be made available to them whenever they want, allowing them to write down their thoughts and express their emotions. Even if they make spelling mistakes, it doesn't matter. The important thing is to take the first step. This is how the famous "writing skill" is built.

As you can see, we attach great importance to dictation at Kidlee. Our super-babysitters are committed to instilling the love of the French language and its many benefits in their protégés! 

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