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Boosting children's social development: how to do it?

par | Sep 20, 2020 | News, Good plans, Lifestyle

What are the tips for boosting children's social development? Social development refers to the ability to build positive, healthy and harmonious relationships with others. 

Activities and interactions with people outside the family act as facilitators. In particular, getting out of the family setting will teach a child to adjust his or her actions based on those of others.

The activities extracurricular

In the family, at school, with his babysitter or during extracurricular activities, encounters will contribute to the development of a child's personality and social integration. It is therefore by meeting new people, by rubbing shoulders with different social worlds and by appropriating new rules that a child will enrich his social life.

Do you want some tips to boost your child's social development on a daily basis?

Download the 9 tips to boost children's social development in a free eBook!

Sport and a sense of belonging

During an activity, especially a physical one, children develop many skills that will make them better adults: discipline, determination, humility, team spirit, communication, perseverance, self-sacrifice, emotional management...

As it evolves, a child becomes increasingly aware of his or her strengths and differences. As a marker of his social development, we will observe his ability to make friends and get along with others. But also, to work in team and to be a good leader.

All these factors confirm the importance of to promote physical activity among young children and encourage them to participate as soon as they are able to do so in order to help them function better in school, and in society!

What tips can I use to boost my child's social development?

Your free eBook! 

How about getting your kids into swimming?

Because, in addition to boosting the social development of children, swimming has many benefits including being safe in and around water!

Take advantage of a free discovery course at Swim Stars 

with the code KIDLEE20 on swimstars.com

Swim Stars ? With more than twenty pools, it is the first national network of swimming lessons for children and adults of all levels. From AUTO-RESCUE® anti-drowning courses starting at age 3 to baby swimmers, including Learning from 5 years old, Perf for children and adults, and courses for beginners and aquaphobic adults

Why do we join?

Because they offer unique course programs ! These are organized in small groups with the coach in the water. And this, within quality structures often totally privatized.

Because they have shaken up the traditional codes of the pool courses ! Indeed, at Swim stars, lessons can be bought and booked online. You start when you want and you can change pools as you wish.

Find the pool nearest you! Create an account in the student's name on swimstars.com and get a free discovery class with the code* KIDLEE20 ?

*Code to be filled in at the time of purchase

Extracurricular activities have been shown to improve children's academic success