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Domestic accidents: tips to prevent and avoid them

par | Jun 2, 2021 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips

The more the child grows, the more autonomy he gains. This little ball of energy goes from the immobility of a newborn to all fours and then to standing. With that comes the development of curiosity and what better way to discover the world than with the hands or the mouth. This is how the family cocoon, which is supposed to be the safest place, becomes the place of all dangers. As an in-home childcare provider, your responsibility is maximum. Kidlee has prepared a list of tips to help you avoid accidents in the home and to keep you safe while babysitting.

Domestic accidents: some tips to avoid them

In the kitchen

The intoxication is the second most common cause of accidents in children's daily livesbefore trauma and after burns. To avoid it, here's what to do:

  • Do not leave anything within the reach of children. All household products such as bleach, dishwashing liquid or laundry products must be at adult height.
  • Never decant into another container because it can be confusing. For example, if bleach is decanted into a plastic bottle, it is a danger to children, and even to adults.
  • Closets at child height must be secured with a locking system.

If your child accidentally swallows a toxic product, you should contact the Poison Control Center immediately. Do not give your child milk or make him vomit, as this could aggravate his case.

In the bathroom

Did you know? A child can drown in only a few centimeters of water. Apart from the swimming pool, we find the risk of drowning even in the bathtub. Babies are the ones who are most concerned by this domestic accident. It is enough for them to tip over on their stomachs for the risk to be present, because they do not have the strength to turn over. To make bath time run smoothly, you need to :

  • Put all the necessary items at your disposal: soap, shampoo, towel, etc. 
  • Equip yourself with a non-slip mat, a bath seat or even handrails in the shower.

These gestures are intended to increase safety, but can in no way replace adult supervision. So keep your eyes open and put your phone away!

Do not hesitate to go to the emergency room if the child shows any of the following symptoms within 24 hours of drowning: persistent coughing, difficulty breathing, bluish skin and lips, loss of consciousness or urinary incontinence.

On the stairs

When you say stairs, you say fall! And it is the main risk of accident for children from 0 to 6 years old at home. Among the places of a fall, we can also find the chair, the bed or the window. All of them result in a cranial traumatism and the same way to be avoided: vigilance. 

But, for even more safety, safety gates on each floor at the stairs are recommended. If the home doesn't have one, you can just block the stairs with something. Also, be careful with windows and remove any knick-knacks that might attract the attention of the toddler or even a piece of furniture nearby that would make it easier to climb. Concerning the high chair, it is enough to attach the child well to avoid any danger.

Domestic accidents: in all rooms 

The electric current 

According to statistics, one out of three cases of electrification involves a child. Contrary to popular belief, electrocution does not only occur when you put your fingers in an outlet. It also happens when there is water near electrical appliances. The risk is greatest when a child starts crawling. For this reason, plugs must be equipped with appropriate safety devices. Don't forget to unplug electrical appliances that are not in use. Also, never turn on a water faucet next to a running electrical appliance. 


A child, especially a child under 6 years old, explores the world with his mouth and does not hesitate to taste one of the small objects nearby. Therefore, small toys and foods should be kept out of reach of children. Not forgetting to keep an eye on them during meals and playtime. Also, plastic bags must be kept out of their reach.

Nevertheless, human error and with all possible precautions domestic accidents can occur. If this is the case, it is imperative to call for help (SAMU: 15, Firemen: 18, Emergencies: 112). Also, the babysitters Kidlee are entitled to an IPSEN training: initiation to Child and Infant First Aid given by our partner: the red cross.