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World Recycling Day: 3 ideas for activities to raise awareness among children

par | Mar 16, 2022 | News, Do It Yourself

If museums preserve our past, recycling preserves our future on earth. This same earth that we do not inherit from our ancestors, but that we borrow from our children. That's why it is essential to initiate children to the protection of their planet, starting perhaps by initiating them to recycling, an action that plays an essential role. And what could be better than to do it at the same time as the world recycling day which will take place, this Friday, March 18th?   

The little "history" moment of the world recycling day

It all started in 1994 in the United States! With the objective of promoting the consumption of products made with recycled materials. Also, to raise awareness of waste sorting, the latter being an essential pillar of recycling

And it was on March 18, 2018 that this day became "global." Granted, it's fairly recent but better late than never!

World Recycling Day Activity Ideas for Kids

Learn to sort waste 

To begin with, you can explain to the child that not everything is thrown away in the same bag. In fact, you can help them discover the different garbage cans dedicated to sorting or the different collection points nearby. Green for glass, blue for paper, yellow for plastic waste and grey for anything that cannot be recycled.

Discover also a great sorting game to download and print here !

A DIY planet for World Recycling Day

For this little DIY, you will need: 

  • From a used CD or DVD
  • Of ribbons
  • Of glue
  • With a brush
  • A black marker
  • Green and blue colored paper squares (why not recycle old magazine covers or scraps of wrapping paper)

First, spread glue on the CD. Then, place the colored pieces of paper on the CD so that they cover it completely. Now, with the black marker, bring the planet to life! Eyes here, a smile there! Finally, just glue the ribbons on your little planet and you're done!

A dragon from the recovery

Don't forget the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle! So for this activity, we recycle!

Is your little one a dragon fan? Here's an activity to turn egg cartons into a small but terrifying dragon! For this, you'll need:

  • 2 boxes of eggs 
  • Of red cloth pieces that are lying around
  • Wrapping cardboard (red or to be painted red)
  • Paint and brushes
  • Glue
  • Scissors

Now that you have everything you need, let's bring this dragon to life! First, start by removing the lid from one of the two boxes. Next, you'll need to paint the egg carton ( complete) as well as the bottom part of the second carton green. Then, glue the bottom part of the second box to the other box so that it is offset by two egg compartments.

Then draw the dragon's eyes on the top half of the box and the nostrils on the top of the bottom box. All that's left to do is cut out strips of fabric and glue them to the inside of the box so that they stick out. Finally, cut out the dragon's crest from cardboard and glue it on top of his head.

At Kidlee, we take care of the planet! 

Babysitter Kidlee

Babysitters, students, parents and kids...our teams are working to ensure that our eco-friendly spirit is embraced by the entire Kidlee community. 

Associative, sponsorship, green parenting, initiation to ecology and sustainable development... We act on several axes so that each member of our community is aware of the protection of our planet. And can, in turn, contribute to its preservation through simple gestures. To know our actions, go to here

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