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Plan your family vacation quickly with our checklist

par | Jun 23, 2021 | Lifestyle, Parents

Do you remember the vacations when you just brought a backpack with you? Once you're parents, it's going to be a whole different story. Even if your offspring fill you with love during the year when it comes to vacations, it's a bit of a hassle. But don't panic, with the right organization, everything is a breeze! That's why today Kidlee offers you some tips for a great family vacation. With a bonus checklist to make sure you don't forget any of your children's necessities.

How to choose the right timing for the perfect family vacation? 

It is important to know that once you have children, you can no longer wait for a ticket to close on lastminute to go on a trip. On the contrary, it is necessary to take a vacation during your leave and your child's school vacations.

You must also take into account the weather conditions. For example, Lapland in winter with baby, it will be no. India in monsoon season, no.

How to choose your destination?

Here, it is difficult to choose between camping at the sea, a chalet in the mountains, a weekend in a capital city or a "Med" club. After all, it depends on your preferences and those of your children but also on your budget. So, we advise you to ask your friends, parents and travelers which destination they recommend. Also, you should search the net for information here and there. But wait! Don't look any further, we have prepared an article with a top of the destinations to do with your family! You just have to click here !

After that, if your children are old enough, don't hesitate to include them in the decision making process. 

The checklist for a hassle-free family trip 

The latter is general and can be adapted to any destination. If however, you think that one of the items on this list is not useful for the chosen destination, do not hesitate to remove it to leave in all lightness.

Games and accessories

Let's start with the most important thing, the blanket! Besides, if you have a spare blanket, you might as well take it along too. The risk is too great so maximum precautions are required.

Also, don't forget to pack a few vacation notebooks and books, whether it's for evening reading or just to keep them occupied on the car ride.

Some small toys that you will have bought before the departure and that you will give them only once the weekend or the vacations in family begin.

If the destination is by the sea, you will have to add the buoy, the armbands and the sand castles.

If you go to the mountains, do not hesitate to take an explorer's kit : flashlight, binoculars and compass.

For the older children, we will add a DS or a tablet and DVDs.

Administrative paperwork 

Preferably, put all of your child's or baby's papers in a clear pouch. This way, you know right away where to look. 

In the latter you will have to put all the important papers such as passport, health booklet or vaccination booklet, family booklet and the European Health Insurance Card.

It is important to remember that the family record book is not enough. Therefore, you must have your child's identity card or passport with you.

For a family vacation without health concerns

In the first-aid kit

  • A medicine for teething.
  • Medication for diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Paracetamol. 
  • A physiological solution for the nose.
  • Thermometer
  • Protection and treatment for sun/bugs
  • Sun cream index 50.
  • Protection against mosquitoes.
  • Healing ointment
  • Quick dressings
  • Sterile swabs
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers 

In the care kit

  • Toilet and body care
  • Layers
  • Plastic bags for used diapers
  • Changing mat
  • Wet wipes for face and buttocks.
  • Shampoo/cleansing gel,
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste
  • Baby nail scissors Hairbrush/comb Cotton swabs
  • Mosquito net (for bed and stroller) 
  • Babyphone

The first-aid kit should always be kept out of reach of children.

If your child has a particular treatment, do not forget to take enough for the whole trip or at least his prescriptions.

This list is mostly dedicated to parents who travel with babies. So, as your child grows, you will be able to do without some of the items on this list.

THE thing not to forget for a great family vacation! 

Even if traveling with children seems like a real mission impossible. It's how memories are made and how family bonds are strengthened. If you plan your trip carefully, there is no reason for it to go wrong, no matter how old the kids are. So, let's go, with a smile on our face and a lot of self-confidence, you can do it!