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Summer vacations and covid: what you need to know this summer season!

par | Jun 30, 2021 | Lifestyle

Wouhou, we finally start to see the end of the tunnel. After almost 2 years of pandemic, we dare to hope to resume a normal life. Moreover, in Paris, they have just announced the end of the curfew and the wearing of masks outside. Mama mia, only good news! So if life is back on track, isn't it time to plan your vacation? Here is an article on everything you need to know about the covid vacations 2021 edition.

The Health Pass, the star of the covid vacations 

Unless you live in the North Pole, you've probably heard about the covid 19 vaccines. Maybe you're even a little trickster who got the vaccine. If you haven't and want to know if and where you can get the vaccine, it's through here.

So, let's go back to the European Health Passport which certifies that the person has received all the injections of the Covid-19 vaccine. The latter came into force on June 9 in France but was finally abandoned because it was considered discriminatory and replaced by the Health Pass.

The difference between Health Pass and Vaccine Pass

The difference is quite simple to remember. For the vaccine passport, only the vaccination is taken into account. While for the health pass, a certificate of vaccination given at the time of vaccination or in PDF form or a QR code in the application TousAntiCovid. Negative PCR or antigenic tests or a proof of recovery of the Covid, i.e. a positive PCR or antigenic test of more than two weeks and less than 6 months old will do. Please note that self-tests are not valid.

Who needs a health pass? 

That is to say that from now on any person over 11 years old who travels "to and from the Overseas Territories and Corsica" must carry this official document until September 30. But also to access certain places and events of more than 1,000 people.

However, it should be noted that for children aged 11 to 17, only virological or antigenic tests are required as they are not eligible for vaccination.

Which countries require a health pass?

The French health pass is similar to the European health pass or green passport. Seven European Union member states have already adopted it: Germany, Denmark, Greece, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Croatia. The Health Pass will come into force on July 1 for travel within the European Union.

But where to spend your vacations in this covid period? 

The choice of destination may depend on several factors, including the health status of the country and the conditions of entry. 

Entry requirements for countries

For non-vaccinated persons

covid vacations: entry requirements For non-vaccinated persons
  • Dark green: open countries without restrictions
  • Light green: Open countries with test
  • Orange: open countries with mandatory testing and quarantine
  • Blue: open countries, but not directly from Europe
  • Red: closed countries

Source: Tourdumondist

For those who have been vaccinated

covid vacations: entry requirements For vaccinated persons

A person is generally considered vaccinated two weeks after receiving their last injection of vaccine for dual-injection vaccines such as Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca). For Johnson & Johnson, it will take 4 weeks.

  • Light green: open countries with test
  • Dark green: open countries without restrictions
  • Red: closed countries
  • Orange: open countries with mandatory testing and quarantine
  • Blue: open countries, but not directly from Europe

Source: Tourdumondist

Rules for entering and leaving France

First, let's talk about the color code of the French government

Green" countries 
  • no active circulation of the virus, no variants of concern identified;
  • European area, Australia, South Korea, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, New Zealand, Singapore.
Orange" countries 
  • Active circulation of the virus in controlled proportions, without the spread of variants of concern;
  • all countries, excluding defined countries such as "green" and "red".
Red" countries 
  • active circulation of the virus, presence of variants of concern ;
  • Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Turkey, Uruguay.

And now back to the rules and procedures

The government has put in place a document that explains the procedures for leaving for abroad and arriving in France.

It is important to know that the lists of countries are not fixed and can change at any time depending on the state of the coronavirus epidemic. That is why we advise you to follow the evolving list here).

The case of the United Kingdom

Since May 31, 2021 midnight and until further notice, the Indian variant being involved. Therefore, a reinforcement of sanitary measures is taking place for travelers coming from the United Kingdom. According to the government website, here are the new modalities: 

  • compelling reasons will be required for non-EU foreign nationals not resident in France to enter France from the UK;
  • a PCR or antigenic test less than 48 hours old for any person joining France from the UK;
  • Upon arrival, travelers will be required to observe a 7-day isolation period. For the time being, given the low incidence of Covid in Great Britain, the routine home control system will not be applied to them.

So, where to go on vacation during this covid period? 

It's true that there are several parameters to consider for a vacation during a pandemic, but that doesn't mean you have to give up. Here, you have all the information you need to plan a weekend or a week-long trip with peace of mind. By the way, here is a top 12 of the safest islands in Europe during the coronavirus epidemic. All you have to do is pack your bags and don't forget the checklist.

Kidlee wishes you a good trip!