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Our 3 tips for finding a bilingual nanny

par | Mar 5, 2021 | Babysitting, Parents

In the age of globalization, mastery of one or more foreign languages is essential. You then realize that it is necessary to have your child bathed in a language other than French. Why not an Italian teacher? Yes, but at the same time, you need someone to look after your child. Bingo, find a bilingual nanny. That's what you need! But then how do you find a bilingual nanny? Here are our tips for finding the perfect one.

Why look for a bilingual baby sitter?

Early bilingualism

Broca's areaDoes this sound familiar? This is one of the two main areas of the brain responsible for language processing. For an adult, a new language is equal to a new Broca's area. To understand or speak it, the adult must go through his or her native language. However, for the bilingual child, the different languages are managed in a single Broca's area. It is therefore easier to switch from one language to another. This ease of learning a new language by using the same Broca's area is only possible if the child is stimulated at the age of language, between 0 and 7 years.

Finding a bilingual nanny means saving money in the long run

At kidleeFor example, a bilingual babysitter in the Paris area costs 25 €/hour, which is 5 € more than a normal babysitter. On the other hand, English or Chinese lessons cost almost the same or a little more. However, you will be more tempted to do a year of language courses and stop. So while the nanny is there, bilingual childcare is a long-term solution. 

Global citizenship

Finding a bilingual nanny: a child standing around the flags

Beyond land borders, language also remains a source of difference. If you plan to move to another country soon, you might as well hire a bilingual nanny. Let's also take the example of mixed French-English, Spanish, German, Swiss, Algerian families. Etc. There is a necessity to have the child bathed in the mother tongue of the non-French parent. In this case, you can call upon a nanny who has the same origins.

How to find a bilingual nanny?

Use an agency to find a bilingual nanny

Contrary to popular belief, this option does not cost more than you think. Moreover, it offers you the guarantee that your children are in good hands. That's because, Kidlee trains certified baby sitters who are able to take care of your children in the best possible way.

Check the nanny's vocabulary and expression levels

For example, if the babysitter is English-speaking or an outright English nanny, she must also have a minimum command of French. If the nanny does not understand the child's native language, this can be a problem. However, the in-home nanny is also there to meet the child's needs. If the nanny does not understand the child's native language, this can be a problem.

Ask for the activity schedule

Sure, you're looking for an English-speaking nanny to pick them up after school, bathe them and so on. But the job of bilingual childcare doesn't stop there. 

Indeed, during her baby sitting, the bilingual nanny will use her skills in a foreign language to help your child learn. Exchanges between the child and the nanny will be repeated on a weekly basis which will facilitate indexing. The more your child stays in contact with the nanny, the more he/she will master the language.

 You want to know more about Kidlee Childcare ? We invite you to contact us by clicking just HERE ! Our specialized consultants will be happy to answer your questions while helping you find your bilingual gem!