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Top nanny : our advice to prepare your baby sitting

par | Feb 23, 2021 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips

Baby sitting is certainly a very rewarding activity. But, it also requires a lot of involvement. Keeping children busy for a whole day or evening is easier said than done. And yes, being passionate and generally very dynamic, children get bored very quickly if they do not find occupations worthy of their ambitions! This is why parents often look for baby sitters who are resourceful, organized and creative in looking after their children. In order to do childcare and be a top nannyIt is then essential to know how to organize and prepare your baby sitting in order to occupy the children as it should be and avoid that they get bored. 

If you are a new babysitter, this article will be a great help for you to prepare your babysitting and to be a good one. If you are more experienced, you will certainly find tips and advice to help you if you lack inspiration. 

Prepare your baby sitting: planning the top nanny 

nanny's notebook top for getting'organized
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Depending on your schedule and the type of baby sitting you do as a top nanny, we recommend that you keep an organizational schedule. This is to manage your childcare hours. A notebook or a diary where you will note all the essential and useful information related to your baby sitting.

To prepare your babysitting properly, discover also our article : Top nanny: the super babysitter's kit ! You will find the checklist Kidlee  in download to be a top nanny. 

Preparing your baby sitting: what information should you note? 

To start, write down the hours of your babysitting in your great notebook. This way, you will have more visibility on the time you will spend with the children. And you will also have an idea of the activities you can offer during each period of time. 

Essential information and top nanny duties: 

Then, also add to your super baby sitter's notebook the family's contact information (phone numbers, home address, school address, daycare center...) as well as the emergency numbers. Just in case. 

Don't forget to add the tasks to be done and the parents' indications regarding the rules to be followed at home or with regard to the children (extracurricular activities, possible allergies, forbidden foods, menus, meal and bath times, etc.). 

For your first days of baby sitting, writing down all this information will be a great help! Indeed, it will be a good reminder in case you forget. And your notebook will fly to your rescue at any moment. 

Preparing a baby sitting also means focusing on the children's interests and needs 

preparing his baby sitting: child painting a paper plate
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In this great nanny book, it is essential to transcribe the interests, passions and tastes of the children. 

It is wise, even important, to ask the right questions to the parents before starting your childcare. It is important to ask the right questions to the parents before you start your childcare program, in order to determine the children's characters and preferences. 

You can of course discuss this with the children afterwards. To have more details and thus promote their development during your baby sitting. 

Having this global vision of your children's tastes will also help you to know what games and activities to offer them. And this, to keep them busy while boosting their development, awakening and learning on a daily basis. 

Babysitting on Wednesdays:

When we say childcare on Wednesdays, we usually mean keeping the kids busy for a whole day! To do this you will need two things: organization and resources. And for this type of babysitting, there is no shortage of them! First, you organize your time according to the activities you want to offer. Then, you list the activities and you attack. If the weather is nice, you can for example opt for outdoor games and activities (balloon, treasure hunt, gardening ...). Then manual activities and playful workshops will be your best friends to occupy the children all day long. Between cooking workshop, salt dough, painting or craft, you have a wide choice!

We even give you a boost right here: Babysitting on Wednesdays: 6 Activities to keep kids busy

Babysitting in the evening:

This type of babysitting is often very simple to organize. Since it is not regular and doesn't last long, you won't run out of inspiration! During your babysitting, you can opt for board games that the children enjoy. Let them choose the games for more excitement. You can also organize hide-and-seek games in the house. Or you can organize a little cooking workshop to prepare dinner together and teach them new things at the same time!

For more inspiration, discover our article : Babysitting in the evening: what activities to propose to the children?

Babysitting after school:

Like one-time evening babysitting, after-school care usually lasts only 2 to 3 hours. After snack and homework time, you can organize quiet activities like coloring or drawing. Manual activities short periods of time will also be a good idea. And of course we don't forget the reading time! Yes, reading stories with the children must absolutely be part of your babysitting. Before bedtime or during bath time, reading stories to children has many benefits for them.

Discover them in our article: Why should we tell stories to children?

Prepare your top nanny baby sitting with Kidlee:

Preparing your babysitting according to the needs and interests of your child is our mantra! The child is at the center of our concerns. His blossoming during the hours of care Kidlee is more than essential. This is why we accompany our super babysitters through various workshops, trainings and playful contents. So that they can offer the best support to their turn. In other words, register with Kidlee ( if you haven't already ) and you'll have no shortage of resources to keep the kids busy during your top nanny babysitting. 

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