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Home " Babysitting " How to recognize the qualities of a Top Assmat?

How to recognize the qualities of a Top Assmat?

par | Feb 4, 2021 | Babysitting

The childminder is a childcare professional trained and approved by the General Council. This profession in its own right cannot be practiced without an official certification issued by this very strict organization. In addition, and contrary to babysitters or nannies at home, the assmat keeps the children in her home. Or in a MAM (Maison d'Assistantes Maternelles). But in addition extensive training and formal certificationThe top assmat must have certain qualities that are essential to the success of her activity. In this article, Kidlee sheds light on the qualities required to be a great childminder! 

Top assmat : what is being a childminder 

The certified childminder (training is mandatory) or the assmat is a professional childcare provider. She takes care of 1 to 4 children in her home or in a MAM. And this, more or less regularly during the working hours of the parents. Moreover, the childminder generally takes care of young children (from 0 to 3 years old).

In addition to looking after young children, the main role of the childminder is to accompany them in their daily development. And this, while providing them with the care and services necessary for their well-being and development. 

Ensuring his safety and comfort, the childminder must also develop a certain close relationship with the child. And this, to get to know his character, his tastes, his desires and to meet his needs as closely as possible. 

In order to take full advantage of this profession and to be fulfilled, it is essential to develop specific human qualities. And this, in order to provide the best accompaniment to the service and comfort of the child. 

The qualities of the top assmat: 

Love children and working with children! 

As with all jobs involving contact with children, to be assmatIt is essential to enjoy working with children. It is indeed the first quality to have to exercise this function.

This job is very rewarding but it is also delicate, sometimes tiring and very demanding. The involvement must be total and unfailing in all situations (whims, squabbles, difficult children...). Therefore, if the passion is not there, it can be very difficult to continue on this path.

A top assmat is equipped with PATIENCE in all circumstances: 

Be childminder is also to be often confronted with the whims, the cries and the sometimes difficult characters of the little ones. Indeed, the daily life of the childminder is far from being a restful one. This can lead to stress and fatigue. This is why it is important to show a great patience is the first quality to be a childminder. This quality is essential when you work with children, and it allows you to control their whims. But also crying and other rebellious behaviors while keeping one's cool. 

Being in constant contact with the children, the assistant must be patient in all circumstances. She must never get angry with them. However, she must be authoritative when necessary. So that the little ones gradually learn the notion of limits. 

Among the most important qualities of the top assmat: Empathy 

In case of grief, fear, crying after a fall or a nightmare, the child must absolutely feel comforted. But also understanding and trust from the caregiver. The latter is his referent during the absence of his parents, so he must show great empathy and altruism.

Empathy is indeed one of the greatest qualities of a caregiver. It is essential for the child to feel understood and confident in the caregiver. She must be very attentive and observant with the children. She must be very attentive and observant with the children, in order to detect any type of feeling and to be able to reassure, console and calm the child with gentleness. 

A top assmat is an organized and rigorous assmat: 

Indeed, having a sense of organization and rigor is also one of the essential qualities of the childminder. In order to be able to carry out her daily missions, the top assmat must show a lot of organization and rigor in order to be able to manage her time and her various tasks with autonomy. 

To ensure the safety, comfort and well-being of each child in care, parents will certainly give specific guidelines to be followed to the letter. To carry out this mission, the top assmat keeps a diary with information and needs of each child. 

In addition to managing the various children in her care, the childminder must also juggle administrative management, the various schedules of the parents, meals, etc. Therefore, establishing a rigorous organization considerably saves her daily life. 

The top assmat must also be creative

It is well known that, just like the great babysitter and the top nanny, the childminder must be very creative. This is a quality that is essential when working with children. To animate the days with the little ones. And to make sure that they have fun and develop fully, it is indeed important to offer activities and games of all kinds. Because keeping the children entertained, playing with them and boosting their development with imagination and creativity is part of the different missions of the top assmat.

Be diplomatic!

Whether it is to communicate with the parents or to manage the squabbles and conflicts between the children, the childminder must be very diplomatic. Indeed, diplomacy is an asset not to be neglected in this profession. 

Thus, having a good sense of communication, human relations and repartee is essential. And this, in order to find the right words, the right attitude and the right compromises to manage daily situations as well as possible disagreements with the parents.

Your children are over 3 years old?

Are your little ones leaving their caregiver's home and moving on to the "slightly bigger" yard? It's time to call on a super babysitter who will take over. And it's a good thing because Kidlee has surely what you need to keep your children's development and awakening. And this, by making them go to the next stage. Indeed, the babysitters Kidlee offer childcare that is both fun and enriching in order to boost the development of children. And thus offer them the best support. It is with games, manual activities and other adapted contents, that the nanny top Kidlee contributes to the learning and awakening of children in a personalized way.

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