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Top 5 homemade cookie recipes to make with kids

par | Feb 11, 2021 | Babysitting, Good plans, Kitchen, Lifestyle, Parents

Would you like to do a cooking workshop with the kids? This is the perfect opportunity to prepare delicious homemade cookies with the loulous ! And you know what? It's a good thing! Because at Kidlee  we are totally fans of cookies ! So we went fishing for the best homemade cookie recipes, simple and easy to make with children. Greedy, healthy, vegan cookies ... Let's go for a fun and playful cooking workshop, but also for a delicious snack according to your desires! 

The best homemade cookie recipe to make with kids

Chocolate chip cookie recipe

What could be better than making homemade cookies with the kidsAnd use the best recipe according to the Internet users! A note of 5/5 for more than 1200 votes, it is clear this recipe is inratable! 

Let's stop talking and get to work! To make cookies for 4 people, you will first need: 

  • 1 egg 
  • 85 g of sugar
  • 85 g of sweet butter
  • 150 g of flour
  • 100 g chocolate chips
  • 1 Sachet Vanilla sugar 
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp. salt

After preparing all the ingredients with the kids, let's get to work! First, the butter must soften at room temperature, then add the sugar. Then just add ingredient by ingredient and mix well between the two additions! Divide the tasks with the child! One adds the ingredients and the other mixes, a real team effort!

Let's go back to the preparation! In addition, we will come to add to the butter and to the sugar the egg and the vanilla sugar. Then, after having mixed, we add gradually the flour, the baking powder, the salt and the chocolate chips, and hop we mix. 

Once you've finished your delicious cookie dough, it's time to bake! First, start by buttering your baking sheet, and form nuts of dough on it. Finally, just bake for 8 to 10 minutes at 180°C (gas mark 6) and you're done! Find the recipe in detail just here

Gourmet vegan cookies 

A recipe from homemade cookies vegan ? Yes yes, it is! This is one of the easiest vegan cookie recipes to make with kids.

Dry ingredients

  • 100 g tiger nut flour
  • 50 g granulated sugar or 80 g banana puree without lumps
  • 60 g chocolate chips or more 
  • 1 cac yeast or bicarbonate
  • Salt, vanilla

Other ingredients

  • 45 g vegetable oleaginous milk if sugar version, nothing if banana
  • 75 g creamy oilseed butter

We'll start by preheating the oven to 200°C. Then it's time to mix all the dry ingredients. Then you add the other ingredients and mix well to form your dough. Finally, we form small balls of dough on a buttered plate or with greaseproof paper and hop in the oven! Finally, let cook 12 minutes!

Find the recipe in detail just here

Healthy homemade cookies

This recipe for crunchy cookies home is ideal for people who want to indulge themselves while staying away from refined sugar and butter. 

The ingredients for this recipe will be: 

  • 180 g small spelt flour (or conventional flour) 
  • 1 egg
  • 90 g wholemeal almond puree
  • 40 g of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 50 g of dark chocolate
  • 50 g dried banana 

This is one of the healthy homemade cookie recipes that is so simple that kids can even make it from scratch (except for the baking of course). All you have to do then is mix all the ingredients together and form the dough balls! It is also possible to add extras if you want to adapt it to your taste: raisins, hazelnuts, white chocolates... 


  • Preheat oven to 180°C.
  • Put all ingredients (except chocolate and bananas) in a bowl and mix.
  • Add chocolate and dried bananas 
  • Form dough into balls and flatten slightly
  • Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes
  • Finally, let cool

Note If your dough seems sandy, don't hesitate to add a little milk to regulate it. 

Find the recipe in detail just here

Super easy nutella cookies

Homemade nutella cookie recipes to make with kids

Indulge yourself with a cooking workshop with the preparation of fondant cookies with nutella! The measures are also proposed with cups to bring an aspect development to the preparation! 

For this recipe, you will need : 

  • 1 egg
  • 100 g sugar (1/2 cup.)
  • 128 g flour (1 cup)
  • 230 g nutella (1.5 cups) (adjust to taste by adding or decreasing) 

First, preheat the oven to 180°C to prepare the time to make our dough. We mix all the ingredients with the hand. Then, we transform that in slightly flattened ball that we put on the buttered plate and in the oven! Let cook then during approximately 8 minutes! 

You can find the detailed cookie recipe here 

Homemade Smartie Cookies: One of Kids' Favorite Cookie Recipes

This recipe can be used to add color to Christmas or Easter! In any case, your taste buds may not come back! 

The ingredients are: 

  • 70 g Soft butter
  • 1 egg
  • 120 g Sugar
  • 200 g Flour
  • 0.5 sachets of baking powder
  • 100 g Smarties© (1.5 oz)

Once the ingredients are in place, we will first heat the oven to 180 °C (Th. 6). Then we will mix all the ingredients in the following order: first the butter and the sugar, then we add the egg. Then the flour and the yeast.

Finally, we will crush half of the smarties and add them to the dough. With our beautiful dough, we will form the small balls which we will deposit on a baking sheet covered with greaseproof paper. We flatten then these balls of the palm of the hand and we put in the oven during 12 minutes max!

Finally, take out your cookies and place the rest of the Smarties© on the soft cookies and let cool on a rack before eating.

Find the recipe in detail here.

Making homemade cookies with your babysitter

The proposed recipes are simple and fast to be realized, these can also be realized in the form ofcooking workshop with his or her baby sitter. Of course, you must ask your parents' permission beforehand. Turning an afternoon into a fun cooking workshop with his nanny or babysitter is very beneficial for the learning and the awakening of the child. Especially when it comes to assimilating the notions of taste or the names of the different ingredients! And finally, you will have delicious cookies to discuss with your family.

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