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Why should we tell stories to children?

par | Feb 23, 2021 | Babysitting tips, Parents

It is often said that children make parents, not the other way around. As parents, you are doing your best to ensure the best future for your child. Did you know that reading storybook for children can have a major role in this process? Joann Sfar says it: "An adult will read a book to entertain himself, the child will read a book to build himself". 

Kidlee has understood this, which is why a few weeks ago we discussed the top 14 best books for children. While today we will discuss the benefits of reading but first let's talk timing! 

Story for children: when to tell a story?

We often think that reading stories is only for the evening. However, with the many types of books available on the market, reading can be done at any time. Whether it's a plastic book at bath time or an audio story before dinner, you have a wide choice.

Why tell stories to children?

Share a special moment by telling a story for children

a reading moment between mother and daughter
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The pleasure of being two in a bubble, for a moment. It is the best opportunity to share a one-on-one with your child in a qualitative way. A quiet reunion around a story that will allow you to discuss the story in question, or other topics.

Develop the child's senses

The touch 

At the beginning the child touches the pages, then turns them and sometimes chews them by himself, fortunately that these last ones are resistant besides. Pulls, flaps, wheels, slides, plush and quills to touch, there is indeed a wide range.


Children need to have a certain ability to listen when reading a story and this cannot be acquired overnight. That is why it is recommended to start reading stories to children at a young age. With good stories, you will have an attentive child with excellent active listening skills. To awaken this sense, audio stories are highly recommended.

The vision

As you tell the story, your child will use the time to develop visual memory. They will try to make a picture/word connection. Don't hesitate to ask questions like: Do you know where the bad wolf is on this page?

Storytelling for children: feeding their creativity

 Children's literature is known for its dose of magic. Princes and princesses, capes and swords, knights, dragons, strange creatures... Children need this magical universe to develop their imagination and creativity. Two key elements that will allow him to build himself and better understand the real world.

Increase your taste for reading

Portrait of a little girl with a book in her hands, sitting on a mountain of books
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A child who has had the bedtime story will be more likely to read as a teenager and adult than a child who only knows school books. So don't hesitate to give children books and read them great stories. In addition to the fact that reading improves language skills, a child who loves to read may turn into a writer.

A therapeutic value 

Did you know that books can help children psychologically? This is called therapeutic tales. In the latter, the child will recognize himself or herself in the hero or heroine without feeling that he or she is being talked about. The goal is to show children that any daily ordeal can be overcome by drawing on their own resources. It is up to each child to interpret the problem and the solution in his or her own way, the most important thing being to succeed.

Reading in Kidlee Babysitting

a little girl discovering a book with her babysitter Kidlee
Kidlee Babysitting

As you can see, we attach great importance to reading at Kidlee. As one of the boosters of a child's development and awakening, reading is also an integral part of our childcare concept. Our super-babysitters are dedicated to instilling the love of reading and its many benefits in their protégés!

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