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Home " Babysitting " Our 4 activities to introduce your child to a new language after bilingual schooling

Our 4 activities to introduce your child to a new language after bilingual schooling

par | Sep 1, 2021 | Babysitting, Games and Development, Kids, Parents

Someone said: Learning a new language is like having another window through which to contemplate the world. At the same time, having a bilingual or trilingual child is a source of pride for parents. Moreover, it is an undeniable asset for the future of your children, and yes, you are indeed visionary parents. If there are many ways to introduce your child to a new language, today we are going to focus on bilingual childcare. And yes, after school comes the time of the bilingual school outing and this can be an endless source of learning. Kidlee has prepared 5 activities to introduce your child to a new language.

Learning by cooking

If the kitchen is the favorite place of the little gourmands, it can also be a place of learning. You just have to cook typical dishes with him from the targeted culture. For example, if you want to teach English to your child, you can look for a recipe for English breakfast on Youtube. Otherwise, you can look for a written recipe and read the instructions in the chosen language.

A fun bilingual school outing

The goal of this type of activity is to teach the child a new language without the child realizing it, while still keeping it fun. One of the simplest examples is to play the equivalent of "James said" in the target language. By the way, if you need inspiration for this type of activity, you've come to the right place. Here is a list of our articles that talk about bilingual games for children: 

Nor bilingual? 5 activities for your babysitter to introduce your child to English

Babysitting: 6 games to teach children English!

Learning through music

Macarena is an excellent ally for teaching a child in a fun way. After all, it's thanks to Macarena that everyone on Earth knows at least one word of Spanish. So, what better way to learn new words than with a song that sticks in your head? So, if your child is a fan of "Liberated, Delivered..." and you're going to have to hear it again in a new language, know that we're thinking of you.

A bilingual school trip = a story

Bilingual school trip: brother and sister reading

A little disclaimer before we start. When we talk about a story, we don't mean only the one in the books. It can very well be an audio story or even a story invented from scratch. The main purpose is to leave room for the narrative. When you read the story, pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation. This way, you can be sure to convey the vocabulary correctly to the child. For the more creative, you can opt for a puppet show or an improvised story with the objects at hand.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of activities that are used to make the child progress. But there are plenty of them, specific to each person, besides, we would be very curious to know yours.

Kidlee and bilingualism, it's quite a story

At kidleeIt is essential that the child is fulfilled during the daycare hours. This is why we accompany our great baby sitters through various workshops, trainings and playful contents. So that they can offer the best home childcare in their turn. Thanks to our selection of candidates according to their profile, their experience and their motivation, the quality of their services will be guaranteed. Make way for serenity and confidence for the best possible support for your child!

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