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Childcare: discover smart-baby sitting by Kidlee!

par | Apr 12, 2021 | Babysitting, Good plans

If you are reading this article, it is because you are looking for a complete babysitting site, which offers profiles adapted to your needs, and especially, to the needs of your child! Know then, that you are knocking at the right door! Because we certainly have the right candidate for you for a 0 hassle childcare at the right price!

Did you know that? Kidleeis much more than a simple babysitting website or a simple childcare agency! It is indeed a whole team specialized in early childhood. And above all, in smart-babysitting, an ideal way to care for your child ! 

We see you from here: but what is this smart-babysitting? Don't worry! We will satisfy your curiosity through this article! 

Smart-babysitting by Kidlee: it's a whole concept! 

two little girls enjoying themselves by leafing through books

At Kidlee, the word "smart" is a motto! Our smart-babysitting concept encompasses much more than just childcare.

Our team is dedicated to thinking, creating, acting, training and managing smart. And that's to offer you the most convenient and efficient childcare services.

Specialized in childcare for children over 3 years old in Paris and Ile de France, Kidlee has been working for 3 years now to offer a flexible and non-binding service to facilitate the life of parents but also the daily life of baby sitters.

As time goes by, we never stop optimizing our tools, ideas and services in order to evolve and make the concept of childcare evolve.

It starts with our babysitting site: 

Whether you are a parent or a babysitter, you will notice on our childcare platform, that from the registration to the signature of the work contract, everything is thought to make your life easier. 

A babysitting website with an intuitive and scalable user experience: 

In order for your childcare to go smoothly, we aim to make your worries as light as possible. How do we do this? By starting at the beginning!

As soon as you register, we collect the information and details about your childcare and your needs through a simple and intuitive user interface. 

Once your registration is finalized, you will have a dedicated personal space. This space allows you to have an overview of your childcare and its follow-up. 

Hourly volume, contract signature, payments, invoices, documents... everything is centralized, automated and at your immediate disposal for any verification or update. 

The contact section of our babysitting website: a team at your service


On Kidlee.comA contact form allows visitors to reach us by email. Our team will respond to your requests within the hour.

In a hurry? You can also call us, our dedicated consultants are available to answer your questions. 

Already registered?

Answering your questions, planning a replacement, managing an emergency, finding a baby sitter, administrative support... Our Happiness Officers will support you and meet your needs. You can even make an appointment whenever you want!

Smart-babysitting: a fun and fulfilling way to look after your child 

Profiles from the best backgrounds:

How can we talk about smart-babysitting or playful childcare without mentioning our super babysitters. Inspiring profiles, rich in skills and coming from the best universities such as Paris-Dauphine, the Sorbonne or Assas. Our partnerships with the best schools and universities in the Ile de France region allow us to welcome excellent candidates to our community.

In addition to their experience in baby sitting, we offer various workshops and training to our trusted baby sitters. In order for them to improve their skills and to be able to offer the best in terms of childcare. 

Whether you are a bilingual, artistic, athletic or creative candidate, at Kidlee you are sure to find the perfect match for your children. 

Diversified profiles for a tailor-made childcare :

Are you looking for a senior profile or a full-time nanny? The Kidlee babysitting community is very diverse. We recruit from all categories of profiles in order to meet all needs. We strive to find the right profile for each family's search criteria!

Fun content for rewarding shifts:  

The child is at the center of our concerns. And as each child is different, it is important to identify as much as possible the needs of each family in order to be able to propose babysitters that meet them. 

With the objective of accompanying the child in his or her daily development and awakening, our babysitters offer various games, workshops and fun activities according to the tastes and needs of each child for the development of each one. 

In fact, we support our babysitters with content and resources via our blog, newsletters, and Instagram accounts. So that our babysitters, but also the parents, are never short of inspiration when it comes to occupying the children and accompanying them in their daily learning.

Fun activities to raise children's awareness of ecology

babysitting website : group photo animation green pâques by kidlee
Green Easter with Kidlee

Kidlee is intelligent babysitting but not only! It's also a startup committed to ecology and raising awareness of environmental issues among young people!

To do this, we offer various dedicated contents, adapted to children and adults (news, green actions, fun activities ...) so that parents and babysitters can in turn accompany children in building a more sustainable future.

To go further, we have decided to launch the Great Ecology Game. A fun, entertaining and free concept to delight children and parents!

All this in an educational, fun and enriching atmosphere!

The Great Ecology Game Kidlee:

babysitting site: overview of Kidlee animation
Green Easter by Kidlee

Supervised by a team of specialized and experienced animatorsThe Kidlee Great Ecology Game is a time of play, sharing and learning for 5 to 10 year olds.

Being under the sign of nature and environmental protection, it seemed obvious to us to carry out our animations in symbolic places such as the large Parisian parks and gardens.

Thus, children assimilate in a simple way and in adapted places, the essential learning for their awareness (biodiversity, global warming, recycling basics, eco-responsibility, ...).

For more details on our animation or to register your children, just click here !

Our babysitting site and our networks are also: Good plans for all! 

Always connected to current events, Kidlee is on the lookout for tips and tricks to make life easier for families and students. 

We also partner with organizations that share our values and offer services that are both unique and practical for everyone. For example, our partner Noö Family which is committed to improving the lives of single parents and offers you a great deal! Discover it here !

To take advantage of all our good plans, do not hesitate to follow Kidlee on Instagram ! Many surprises await you!