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Environmental protection: better understanding for better action!

par | May 10, 2021 | Information

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. Do you think we have taken good care of the planet so far? The reality is that an animal or plant species disappears every 20 minutes. According to the Climate Action, BreatheMore than three out of four children breathe toxic air in France! According to a report ofOceansAsiaMore than 1.5 billion disposable masks will end up in the world's oceans this year. They will end up with tons of plastic that endangers marine life. So, yes, we haven't made the right choices, but it's never too late. We just have to take the first step and continue to work for the protection of the environment and the protection of nature.

Moreover, according to the High Council for the Climate, estimates of GHG emission reductions during the containment period show a decrease of 30%. This is mainly due to the decrease in emissions from road transport. So, it's now or never to reverse the curve as it should be!

Understand the source of the problem 

Environmental protection: infographic on the land sector and greenhouse gases in France
Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Loss of biodiversity, desertification, pollution, extinction of certain species, health risks, global warming. The list of problems caused by climate change is numerous and you can quickly get lost.

However, there is a line of convergence between them, it is the human being. Indeed, human activities are, for a large part, responsible for what we are experiencing today. The development of economic, agricultural and industrial activities is accompanied by an increase in greenhouse gases. Let's take for example the case of intensive breeding. It is important to know that 50 % of the earth is reserved for the latter. The methane released by cows is 23 times more harmful than CO2. 51 % of greenhouse gases come from intensive livestock farming and what is related to it.

We are all responsible and victims, but not in the same way. The pressures we exert on nature through our consumption patterns are direct threats to human health. However, poor countries, which are the least polluting, are the most exposed to climatic catastrophes, pollution and environmental diseases.

All united for the protection of the environment

Before we start with the new habits to adopt for the protection of the environment, we want to clarify a small point. There is no such thing as the perfect "green" person. Here, it is not a question of "all or nothing". Each green gesture account. The most important thing is to get started, so let's go!

  • Eat local food and encourage organic farming made in France.
  • Try to eat less meat and dairy products to stop supporting intensive farming.
  • Buy local products to give less power to multinationals.
  • Use the search engine Ecosia Thanks to the latter, a tree will be planted during each search.
  • Participate in demonstrations to show that citizens are aware of the current situation.
  • Take public transportation, bike or walk to reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Limit air travel. It is important to note that the'airplane is the most polluting means of transportation per passenger and per kilometer traveled.
  • Delete old emails that you no longer need. Deleting 30 messages would save the equivalent of a light bulb's consumption for a day.
  • Create your own vegetable garden to avoid eating fruits and vegetables contaminated by toxic products contained in pesticides such as glyphosate. Glyphosate is bad for the air, water, soil and all living things.
  • Try to use less plastic, compost it and recycle it.
  • Choose natural products and read labels carefully to avoid chemicals as much as possible.