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Don't miss our tips and advice on how to manage your first babysitting job

par | Apr 22, 2022 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips

If you're reading this article, it means you're ready to take the plunge and become a great babysitter. Besides, we're going to tell you a secret, and it's not because we're a babysitting agency, but babysitting is really the dream student job! Enough chit-chat, you want to know how to manage that first babysitting job at the top? Let's go !

First time babysitting = Casual

If you're used to wearing the classic outfit for interviews, forget it! When the job in question is that of nanny, it will be sneakers and comfortable clothes to be comfortable throughout your babysitting! Who knows, maybe an outing to the park will be scheduled, so you might as well be prepared.

One basic rule, follow the house rules

As a babysitter, you must respect the rules of your parents' home as well as any specific instructions they may have. That's why we advise you to ask as many questions as possible to find out what is allowed and what is not.

Planning is the key to a successful first babysitting session!

Even if babysitting seems fun, it is not a job to be taken lightly. It requires a minimum of preparation. It is essential to arrive with at least one activity to propose to the child.

By activity, we reassure you, it does not mean a crazy activity that requires ten thousand things. For example, it can very well be one of our favorite manual activities that aims to awaken the senses of the child with the different types of pasta available in the kitchen! Yes, just that. If you don't have any ideas for activities, we suggest you take a look at the DIY section, you will find a lot of ideas for activities to do with your kids. After that, you can also try to keep the kids busy with board games, salt dough or even online educational games.

Be zen 

If this is your first time babysitting, it's normal for your child to test the waters by testing your limits. Don't hesitate to open up the dialogue and show authority in order to manage this little crisis. After the storm comes the good weather! By staying calm, you have a better chance of controlling the situation and continuing this wonderful adventure that is baby sitting! 

To each his own rhythm

Do you remember when you were a child? What were your days like, what did you like to do? Etc. Use your memories to create an unforgettable childcare experience, but also to understand your child's rhythm. The latter can be quite complex! Therefore, you will have to listen to the children, their rhythms, their desires and their needs.

Plan for and anticipate glitches

Just like life, babysitting is far from being a long quiet river. We reassure you, accidents are rare, especially if you do your best to avoid domestic accidents. But that's how life goes and no one is safe, that's why we strongly advise you to take a look at our article about the right reflexes to adopt in case of an accident to be prepared in case of a problem.

Did you consider Kidlee for your first babysitting job?

Preparing your babysitting according to the needs and interests of your child is our mantra!

The child is at the center of our concerns. His or her development during the daycare hours Kidlee is more than essential. That's why we accompany our great baby sitters through various workshops, trainings and playful contents. So that they can offer the best support to their turn.

In other words, register with Kidlee (if you haven't already) and you'll have no shortage of resources to keep the kids busy during your top nanny babysitting. To discover our universe, just click HERE !

We also leave you a small link here to prepare your childcare whether it is a Wednesday, weekend or even a school trip.