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Home " Babysitting " 6 outdoor games to have the time of your life as soon as the sun comes out.

6 outdoor games to have the time of your life as soon as the sun comes out.

par | Jul 2, 2021 | Babysitting, Parents

When the weather is nice, you have to take advantage of it. And so as not to fail, we have prepared a list of outdoor games to do with the children. On the menu, fun activities, outdoor games to exercise or just to have fun, competitive outdoor games. Kidlee has prepared a list of ideas to keep the kids busy outside, whatever their age or interest, it will work in any case!

Outdoor games for those with a competitive spirit

The egg race

It may be a classic, but you don't think about it all the time! For this activity, you will need spoons and eggs, in sufficient quantities depending on the number of participants. The principle of this game is quite simple. The child has to hold a spoon with his mouth on which there is an egg. The first one to arrive wins the race. 

Apples in water

Here's an activity idea for kids that dates back to the Middle Ages! For this one, you'll need a bowl, apples and water. First, fill the bowl with water and put the apples in. The goal is to catch an apple using only your mouth. To prevent cheating, ask the children to keep their hands behind their backs.

A shadow theater, an outdoor game for little artists!

You are used to making indoor theater workshops with children ? So, have you ever thought about doing theater outside? Maybe even a shadow play! For the latter, you will need a white sheet that you will hang between two trees or two posts. And a light source directed at the sheet behind which the extras are standing. And yes, don't forget that you need shade.

Also, a little popcorn during the play wouldn't go amiss!

A sensory journey for the feet

This idea is one of the most original and comes from Creative moods. A real fan of sensory activities that always surprises us. This time, we are not looking to develop the sensory side of the hands but rather the feet. And with 7200 nerve endings in the foot, we can tell you that it will be an explosion of sensation.

You will need basins preferably or if not, trays.

You will also need a variety of textures. This list is not exhaustive and can be replaced with whatever you have on hand: small pieces of accordion paper, cotillion balls, rice, boards with holes, sponges, pebbles, bubble wrap, flower petals, grass, seashells, artificial snow, polystyrene, cotton, sand, water.

At the beginning, it is recommended to hold the child by the hand. The time it takes for him to get used to the texture and so that he does not stumble. Afterwards, the child will gain confidence and move at his own pace like a grown-up. Also, you can invite the child to put his hands in the basins for a double sensory experience.

The hunt for colors

For this activity, you will need an empty 12-egg carton. First, remove the lid and tab. Then, color the bottoms of the cells with paint. And now the hunt is on! Simply find elements in nature that match the color of the aureoles. You'll have a lot of fun and adventure.

Get out the watering cans and invent outdoor games!

And yes, if as an adult taking care of the garden seems like a chore, it is far from being the case for children. In fact, we're pretty sure they'll love this activity in the heat of the day. We start by watering the flowers and trees and then watering each other.

Put a water blob in the garden

Does the waterblob ring a bell? This concept comes straight from the USA and is the beaba for children. It is simply a water mattress on which the child can bask or slide. Here is the Pausecafein tutorial to create one. First, get a plastic canvas.

Second, iron the plastic shut, leaving a hole large enough to pass a hose through. Then, fill the canvas with water and a hose. Finally, seal the hole with heavy-duty tape.

Also, if you are not very handy, you may want to consider buying one.

At Kidlee, we don't lack creativity even when it comes to outdoor play!

At Kidlee, we believe that it is important for children to feel good about themselves during childcare hours. That's why we support our great baby sitters through various workshops, training and fun content. So that they can offer the best home childcare in their turn. 

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