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Top nanny: the super babysitter kit!

par | Jan 22, 2021 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips, Information

You have landed your babysitting job congratulations! Being a babysitter is good, but being a great babysitter is better! For this Kidlee has compiled a list of the super babysitter's kit to be a top notch nanny ! And this, to conquer the little hearts of your little ones, but also to be ready for all types of challenges that childcare brings. to your notes! 

Before starting, you probably know that babysitting is not a small job, that's why we advise you to have a casual style, no headaches! And above all, take with you a backpack or a tot-bag to put your super babysitter stuff, a kind of babysitting bag!

To return to the babysitter kit, it contains the following items:

First aid kit, an essential for the top nanny! 

The first and most important tool recommended by the baby sitting kit is a good little care kit in case of a little boo-boo. Children who skin their knees while playing for example! You can even find bandages with drawings on them to cheer them up!

The basis of a first aid kit according to the Gyphar pharmacy is :

  • A survival blanket (just in case!)
  • A small bottle of alcohol, some sugar cubes.
  • Skin antiseptic (spray or single-dose).
  • Sterile swabs.
  • Pre-cut dressings.
  • Hemostatic dressings (in case of nosebleed for example).
  • Hypoallergenic plaster.
  • Stretchy bands (velpeau or nylex type).
  • Round-tipped scissors and splinter forceps.
  • Single use gloves

Top nanny's phone: its role in the super babysitter's kit

Your phone will be your best friend!

Write down the emergency numbers and home address of your baby sitting. Always include the address of the house where you are babysitting. Because this can be easily forgotten but important to know if you are calling for emergencies (or pizza delivery).

Record the parents' number, to contact them in case of unexpected events or problems with the children. It would be wise to also add the list of allergies of the children you are taking care of in case they want to eat something, it is better to be prepared! Make sure your phone is charged to avoid unpleasant surprises! 

Toys related to the children's interests, 

When the kids in your care see you arrive with a toy they love, they'll be thrilled! Board games, puzzles, stuffed animals ... are all excellent choices. Ask the parents and surprise them with your top nanny skills.

Or, you can just bring them some drawings to color: find out which hero the child likes best. Find a multitude of coloring pages to print just HERE

The hygiene essentials of the super babysitter's kit to be a top nanny!

To stay spotless throughout the day, bring wipes in case of splashes for example! If you are babysitting, make sure you take a spare shirt too! Finally, in this pandemic period, don't forget to take with you single-use tissues, your disinfectant and of course your top nanny mask.

Object related to your passion 

Let's not forget that the smart baby sitting also involves sharing your passions with children. Do you play the guitar? Bring it along and sing ditties with the children you care for.

Are you passionate about cooking? Why not bring what you need for a little cooking workshop. Bring the ingredients to prepare your favorite meal for example! 

Do you like to read? Bring a book you like and have a little reading session...  

Sharing your passion as a top nanny will make your daycare an exciting and enjoyable time for both you and the child.

Top Nanny: Super Babysitter's Checklist

Top Nanny: Super Babysitter Kit

Find the top nanny checklist to print directly to organize yourself more easily! Click on the button DOWNLOAD above!