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Are you an overwhelmed mom? Here's our advice on how to live your daily life without headaches.

par | Mar 5, 2021 | Lifestyle, Parents

The bond between a mother and her child is unique. A 9-month collocation that is followed by the title of mom for a lifetime. In the beginning, everyday life with baby is easy. But what about once he grows up? Once he starts to speak his first words? Once he learns to walk? When he starts going to school?

As time goes on, your child will evolve. As a super mom, you will have to adapt. Most importantly, you will need to stay zen! We can see the look on your face, you think it's easier said than done. At KidleeWe don't do things by halves, so we've prepared a series of tips for getting organized with the kids and having an almost perfect family life.

The secret is organization 

Monday morning, you just woke up and there is already a source of stress: What will he wear today? At noon, a new source of stress flashes: What to cook for lunch? Overall, the number of things that can stress a mom out are endless. However, we have solutions that can improve your daily life.

An organization in the kitchen 

a photo showing various lunchboxes with different meals

Batch cookingDoes this sound familiar? It is a home cooking method, based on the preparation of different dishes in one go to be served the following days. In other words, you only need one day in the kitchen to prepare all the dishes for the week. Here are the steps to follow: 

  • Gather all of his recipes.
  • Think about the week's menus by collecting recipes that have common ingredients.
  • Make a complete shopping list based on the number of servings you want per dish.

One of the many advantages of this method is the participation of the children. Usually the batch cooking is done on the weekend, your children will also be free and will be happy to participate.

Establish a mother-child routine

To reduce the load, don't hesitate to make your children responsible. You can prepare an evening routine and a morning routine for them, for example downloadable here. Also, you can prepare things the night before, such as the children's outfits, the breakfast table...etc. Also, before going to bed, remember to put away what you can because it is proven that clutter plays on the nerves. Also, check to see if the kids have stuck to their evening routine and think about their read a story. Finally, try to wake up at least 10 minutes before your usual time to save time.

Letting go - "It's okay to not be okay" even for a mom

As a human being, you have the right to be tired, exhausted or just not up to it. Striving to be a perfect mom is normal. The race to be perfect once you become a parent is legitimate, but it shouldn't cost you your physical or mental health. If you feel overwhelmed, what should you do?

Delegate without feeling guilty

Mom doing yoga

Hard day at work? Temporary asthenia? Dad away for a week? Don't hesitate to ask for help from your relatives, grandma and grandpa will be happy to see their grandchildren.

In addition, you can also call on one of our supers babysitters to take care of your child while boosting his development and awakening. Our top nanny will be able to pick up your child from school, give him/her a snack and bath while you are at the office.

Also, and depending on your child's interests, the babysitter Kidlee will be happy to propose fun activities to entertain him while you rest. For more information about our services and our playful childcareyou can contact us here.

Take a moment for yourself

When you feel the pressure building, click the pause button. This is a signal to take a moment for yourself. So go for a run or stay home and do some meditation. For a moment, concentrate on yourself and recharge your batteries. A Zen mom is a happy mom! 

In conclusion, a Zen mom is organized, fulfilled and Zen at the same time. So, do you think you're up to the challenge? Let us know when you start.