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Discover the benefits of magic coloring for your children

par | Feb 10, 2021 | Babysitting, Games and Development, Parents

Magic coloring or the manual activity that children love! Parents and babysitters alike can offer to make a magic coloring, and hop! You have something to occupy the child in a playful way! That's why Kidlee tells you about the different magic colorings for children and their benefits.

Coloring and its benefits: 

Coloring is a manual activity as entertaining as it is important for children! Because after starting to draw, the child will discover the different colors and therefore a wide range of possibilities! 
This is when coloring will allow him to further develop his imagination and the coordination of his movements. In addition to practicing holding the pencil, the child is calmed and focuses his attention when he colors.
Read our article : Children's drawing : how to teach drawing to 2 - 5 years old ?

What is magic coloring? 

Magic coloring is coloring where children follow guidelines, rules. It is very simple, in other words, the drawing is divided into different boxes. To color these boxes, you will have to follow the color code according to the type of magic coloring.

Magic coloring : 

From 3 years old

Magic coloring in color

For the little ones, this type of coloring is ideal to help them to become familiar with and recognize colors. It also allows them to learn the basics of coloring, not to overdo it, to diversify the colors and to have fun! You can find them on lululataupe.com.

Magic alphabet coloring : 

For children over 3 years old

coloring : a cat

Generally, this type of magic coloring is accessible for toddlers. The color codes will be related to the alphabet: for example B in blue, and N in black .... In addition, it can be the letters in upper case, lower case, cursive letter. Ideal for a kindergarten activity.

Magic coloring with numbers : 

From 3 years old

Coloring with numbers
Modelling head

The color codes will be numbers for the little ones. At the same time, you can find some more busy magic coloring pages that also contain numbers, for children who are a little older! However, you will have to check the level of difficulty to avoid your child getting confused! 

Magic math coloring pages: 

From 5 years old

coloring of a monkey

On this type of magic coloring, the boxes will be numbers. On the other hand, the codes will be to decipher! You will find small mathematical operations such as addition or subtraction, and even multiplication for 8 year olds! It will just be necessary to select an adapted degree of difficulty. Then the child must solve these operations to decipher the codes and color the drawing with the appropriate colors. There are also coloring pages with clear color codes, but with boxes to decipher. It's up to you to choose the one you like best! 

Other types of magical coloring! 

Color and learn vocabulary

You can find magic coloring pages for all levels: kindergarten, primary and even magic coloring pages for adults! Grammar, geography, geometry, vocabulary.... There are also several themed magic coloring pages, like Disney magic coloring pages! The principle remains the same: understand the reasoning, decipher the color code or the boxes and then color! This activity allows children to have fun and stay focused, it has become a real opportunity to make children revise or to familiarize them with a new course. You will find magic coloring pages to print on iEducational ! On the website les-coccinelles.fr also. You'll find magical coloring pages for first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, math and reading! Otherwise, LogicielEducatif.fr offers online magic coloring pages that are really fun to do!

Its benefits for children: 

In addition to being a review and learning tool for children, magic coloring, even very simple, is full of benefits for the child. Indeed, Magic Coloring contains the benefits of coloring and more! 

It introduces the child to the rules to be respected through the different codes, which prepares him for life in society. On the other hand, the framing and the fact that the rules are explicitly clear reassures the child. They are then in their comfort zone and can relax without being 'forbidden' to go beyond.

There is no doubt that it develops attention and concentration. In addition, it distresses and purges negativity. In the end, this activity for children gives the satisfaction of having created something beautiful! 

Magic coloring allows you to learn or review in a fun way! Because as we have seen, there are several types of magic coloring pages, for all ages, which allow to review lessons.

Magic coloring with her top nanny Kidlee! 

Magic coloring is a pleasant and playful exercise, with many benefits, so the baby sitters Kidlee love to use them to entertain children! Indeed, our babysitters make sure that the youngest children are accompanied in a playful way during each childcare session! 

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