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Ecology and Youtube: discover the top 8 Youtubers committed to the planet!

par | Jun 16, 2021 | Information

Did you know? In 2019, YouTube was the second most visited site in the world after Google. It is also the second most popular social network after Facebook. The good news is that today a new trend is taking hold on this social network, that of scientific Youtubers. For them, ecology and Youtube are one. And thanks to them, ecology has never been so much fun! Here is a top of the green Youtubers especially concocted by Kidlee.

Foliage aka professor foliage 

"We think that humor is a weapon of massive awareness, so we often talk to you about ecology with a raised fist and a finger in the c**!". Here is the first line that we will find in the about of this Youtube channel. This allows us to have a small glimpse of the atmosphere in which the content creator wants to put his subscribers, black humor and sarcasm will be on the agenda! In one of his videos, Mr.Feuillage and his assistant wonder why cats are not green. If you too are puzzled by this question, come and watch watch the video.

"La Barbe" alias Nicolas Meyrieux

Nicolas tackles several current topics in his videos but especially those related to ecology. In each video, we find a super serious Nicola who teaches us a few things about the subject, all accompanied by statistics. While on the other side, we find his super je-m'en-foutiste double. So, this contrast creates an atypical humor specific to The Beard that makes us never get tired of this channel.

Ecology and Youtube: Sharing is fun

According to Vincent Verzat, we are the last generation to prevent global warming. That's why he wants to highlight associations or individuals who are fighting for a sustainable world. With his youtube channel, he aims to highlight these people, to support them and to join them. Also, each video deals with a subject in depth and proposes concrete solutions.

And no one cares

A web series created by Fabrice de Boni and Axel Lattuada. The series has two episodes per month and evokes several serious subjects with a lot of humor. On the agenda: feminism here, ecology there and even racism. We advise you to go and see their video about waste here.

Ecology and Youtube: The Body The Home The Mind

This channel has more than 30 million views and it's not for nothing! Laetitia is eco-friendly, minimalist and advocates zero waste. The idea is to make her life as simple as possible and not to produce waste. So she personally eliminated all chemicals from her food and her house. And she shares all this on her youtube channel and even her blog. We have a little crush on the playlist #AntiGaspi Challenge: Go Green in 30 days ?.

Kristen Leo - The goddess of ethical fashion

She has more than 337,000 subscribers on her Youtube channel, which is always full of topics to raise awareness. Her videos are sorted into playlists including: veganism, ethical fashion and eco-responsible lifestyle. 

Why do we love it? For its guide to ethical fashion which deals with all the questions concerning this subject so that you don't fall for it anymore. Interested? Go to here.

Ecology and Youtube: Nothing is lost or almost

So, as its name indicates, this channel aims to reduce the waste produced and the overconsumption of every day. The DIY are numerous and address several themes. Whether it is in the kitchen, in the garden or for the household, there is something for everyone. We have a little crush for the video in green mode during the vacations

Alys Boucher

"I've never bought shampoo. Or conditioner. Nor shower gel. My entire bathroom is in my kitchen cupboards." No, these are not the words of an alien, but those of Alys. This young lady shares all her tips, recipes, DIYs and tutorials for 100% natural beauty on a daily basis with ease. Moreover, thanks to her sharing, she allows to counteract the cosmetic industry whose components are non-biodegradable water or air pollutants and aggressive for the fauna and the flora.