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Our selection of 5 must-have summer games for the vacations

par | Jul 12, 2021 | Babysitting, Games and Development, Parents

These last few days, the temperatures are rising! Plus, the kids are on vacation. So, the right combination would be a series of activities to enjoy the summer with the kids. But you don't know what to offer them? Don't panic, Kidlee is here and has prepared a top of the summer games for kids.

Refreshing summer games - the water pinata

With this super fun activity, you can keep the kids busy during the summer but also keep them cool. So you'll need balloons, ropes to hang them on and water at different temperatures for a guaranteed surprise effect.

Hang the balloons filled with water and let the child pop them. For even more action, you can blindfold the child if they are old enough.

The treasure hunt revisited for the summer - the frosted treasure

Summer is here and the sun is coming out every day so why not play with ice? So, it's time to organize an ice cream scavenger hunt for the kids! 

First of all, you have to choose the shape of the ice block because it will give the shape of the treasure, whether it is a pastry mold or a plastic box. Moreover, you must not forget to choose the treasure! It can be figurines, jewelry or even toys. Once the selection is made, fill one third of the mold with water. Then place the items in the mold and pop in the freezer until it turns to ice. Once the block is completely cooled, remove it from the mold into a container that will hold any water that may leak out. 

Now, let's move on to the long-awaited step where you have to break everything to dislodge the treasures. Let the children use the tools of destruction of their choice.

Thus, through this activity, they will learn patience, dexterity and creativity.

The artistic summer game - painting with colored icicles

In the summer, even art needs a shot of coolness. So, instead of the usual paint, you can offer the child colored ice cubes that he will handle as he pleases to create his work of art. For this, you will need gouache or food coloring, wooden strips cut in half, an ice cube tray, leaves and an apron. For the rest of the steps, it is by here.

The best of summer games - the bubble snake 

For this activity, you will need a large water bottle, a sock, tape or a wide elastic band and some dishwashing liquid. First, cut off the base of the bottle. Next, insert the bottle into the sock. Secure the sock to the bottle with tape or a rubber band. Next, in a bowl, mix dishwashing liquid with a little water. Then dip the base of the bottle into this bowl and blow. 

If you can't get any bubbles, you don't have enough washing up liquid. If you don't get enough bubbles, you don't have enough washing-up liquid. To get colorful snakes, add some dye to the liquid, but this activity is not recommended for young children, as they may swallow the washing-up liquid.

If not, have you considered Kidlee for summer vacation?

At Kidlee, we believe that it is important for children to be happy during their daycare hours. That's why we support our great babysitters through various workshops, trainings and playful contents. So that they can offer the best support to their turn. 

In other words, sign up with Kidlee (if you haven't already) and you'll have no shortage of resources to keep the kids busy while you babysit. To discover our universe, just click here !

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