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Our homework help tips to help your child feel at ease

par | Jan 22, 2021 | School, Kids, Pedagogy Parents

When you're a parent or babysitter, you may have the background to do homework help but not know how to get started or how to deal with kids. Through this article, Kidlee gives you the necessary and essential tips and tricks to be a leader when it comes to homework help during babysitting or not! 

Homework help is above all about accompanying the child!

It is important to stress that helping with homework does not mean doing it for the child. It is first and foremost to accompany them and intervene if necessary. Helping children with their homework means helping them to reason, to ask themselves the right questions and to better understand their lessons. This differs from tutoring, which is intended for middle and high school students in difficulty or in need of support, and which requires much more involvement. 

homework help is also an opportunity to boost the child's autonomy: 

Through your support, you will guide the child's concentration by helping him/her to search for the answer to his/her problem by him/herself.

In this way, the child learns little by little to be more independent when it comes to homework. He will be able to build and adapt his own work method progressively. Your role will then be to help him/her in a targeted way where he/she has more difficulties. 

It should be noted that the child is expected to become totally autonomous in managing and completing his or her homework starting in 6th grade. 

Determine the right time and space for a homework help routine! 

Homework help: a child lying on the carpet and reading a book with a smile
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In order to make homework time less of a dread for the child, it is essential to make it a positive, pressure-free routine. A totally simple and daily task to do. Indeed, it is important to find the right place and time so that the child no longer associates homework time with a complex task or a punishment. 

To best help your child with his homework, you need to set up a daily routine according to his tastes, his age and his motivation. And stick to it, throughout the school year. 

How much time for homework help? 

When a child comes home from school, he or she would usually rather have fun and play than do the same tasks he or she does at school. Also, the ideal time for homework and school work differs from child to child.  

This is why it is essential to set a precise time for homework help that is appropriate to the child's needs. To do this, and with the close cooperation of the child, determine a time of work that suits him. He can do his homework right after school so he can rest afterwards. Or conversely, they can take a short break to relax by having a snack, for example, and then go on with their homework. It's up to you to figure out what works best for him to set up this little homework routine. 

Homework Help Organization:

In addition, school work does not have to be done in one sitting. The child does not have to do all his homework in the same amount of time. If you see that the child is not able to follow through or that he/she loses motivation quickly, you can opt for a sequencing of the work time. For example, he can start by doing math after snack time. Review his history lesson after dinner. Then reread his poetry before bedtime. It's up to you to determine the pace that works best for him.  

When it comes to scheduling homework, you also have the option to schedule according to the child's grade level. For third graders, for example, homework is usually announced over a week. This is an opportunity to get organized and spread out the homework over a week. This way, the child will be able to learn and memorize his lessons in stages and not all at once. 

Keeping a homework planning notebook can be a great alternative to getting lost. To do this, simply get a dedicated notebook and add a subject chart. After reviewing the homework assignments, you can decide how much time and days to devote to each subject. 

What about breaks? 

It is important to know that a child's concentration time in elementary school varies between 15 and 20 minutes, depending on the object of his attention. To prevent them from getting distracted during homework, set up breaks. But be careful, no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the child may forget what he was doing.  

Establish an adequate work space

Homework help: little girl doing her homework
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To help the child do his homework, it is not a question of reproducing the school setting. The key is to do it in a quiet place, free of distractions (television, toys, etc.). For subjects involving writing and thinking, it is best to use a well-organized desk. The coffee table in the living room or in the kitchen. On the other hand, for reading, multiplication tables or lessons to be memorized, the child can just as easily be lying on his bed, in the bath or standing in front of you!  

The secrets of motivation and patience! 

It's no news to anyone: with children, you need a lot of patience. And even more so when it comes to helping with homework. Your child will certainly start to rebel as soon as he or she encounters difficulties with a problem or a complex exercise. In this situation, there is no need to put pressure on him or to show negativity. What works best is patience and motivation. 

Start by encouraging the child by giving him or her credit: "You can do it, you just have to concentrate a little more and remember what you learned in class! ''. Go over the exercise together and help him/her to ask the right questions. 

When faced with problems, it is more important than ever to value the child's skills. And this, while playing down the situation. Not all tasks are easy and it is by making mistakes that we learn the most. 

To help the child think further and be determined to overcome obstacles instead of letting go, try to set up a reward system to motivate them. This can be good points for ... or medals! 

Motivational medal for children!

Examples of medals:

  • The medal of bravery: when he doesn't give up when faced with a complicated exo! 
  • That of the genius: when he solves a complex problem alone like a great man!  
  • That of the artist: when he writes his lessons well or when he draws a beautiful picture! 
  • The super-memory medal: when he memorizes a poem well! 

And so on, use your imagination and let the little wolf be proud of even his simplest accomplishments! 

In time, the child will learn to do things on his own and will not even need to be rewarded for his successes!

Download the motivation medals Kidlee to print for free just below:


If the child is recalcitrant and does not want to do his homework, discover also the advice of our article :

He doesn't want to do his homework: how to get out of it? 

The importance of educational games and activities 

Children have a special affection for games and playful activities. Why not use them excessively to accompany and boost their daily learning? 

On Pinterest or even great teacher's blogsIn the "Learning Center", you will find a range of educational games and fun activities to learn vocabulary, math, reading, writing ... Everything you need to help your child develop his awareness, knowledge and skills while having fun. It is especially a great alternative to make the child work without him realizing it! 

When a child shows deficiencies in a particular subject, it is indeed interesting to put at his disposal playful supports which accompany him differently and help him to progress gradually. 

Family Tools resources! 

On this collaborative search engine created by KidleeYou will find an inexhaustible source of content and resources. And this, to accompany children in various fields and more specifically in their daily learning. 

On Tools family, are indeed listed the best learning and tutoring websites, blogs, platforms and Youtube channels.  

You will find our favorites in terms of teachers' blogs for school support and homework help from CP to CM2 such as : 

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