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Home " Babysitting " After-school care: 5 activities to do with your kids after school!

After-school care: 5 activities to do with your kids after school!

par | Jun 25, 2021 | Babysitting, Parents

Before and after school, this is what we call extracurricular time. During this time, the child can choose between a sports activity, an art workshop or a lot of activities to do at home with his super-parents or with his super baby sitter.

Kidlee has prepared different ideas for extracurricular activities for each child profile.

5 extracurricular activities to do with your children!

For the child who is full of energy during after-school time

He leaves school with as much energy as he had at 8:30 in the morning! Therefore, it is useful to offer him physical activities that will allow him to expend his energy during his after-school care.

A dance workshop at home during an after-school program or with parents

Nowadays, thanks to Youtube and its wonderful video tutorials, it only takes a few to learn how to do a moonwalk worthy of Michael Jackson's. You can also opt for other steps or dance styles. Moreover, we suggest you to follow the channel of Zumba with Dovydas because it offers many videos of zumba for children.

A yoga session to channel energy

We often think that yoga is only for adults, but it is not. Children need it too. It allows them to develop their body awareness, to acquire the ability to listen to themselves and to learn to calm themselves.

We advise you to 15 anti-stress postures for children suggested by Grandirzen.

For the child who has a dip at the end of the school day

What if snack time was transformed into a real activity? Nothing could be easier! All it takes is a little help from everyone. If you're looking for inspiration for a recipe, check out here.

For the little scientist in the making 

The shaving cream experience

For this manual activity, you will need a glass jar, water, shaving cream, food coloring and a pipette. First, you will need to fill the jar two-thirds full. Then, add a cloud of shaving cream. Finally, pipette the dye and place it on top of the cloud. All that's left to do is admire the result, rain! Don't forget to explain that water represents air and shaving cream represents a cloud. This way, you can explain a multitude of phenomena to the child, such as the rain that occurs when the cloud becomes too heavy.

It's time to release "Once Upon a Time in Life."

But who doesn't know the wonderful cartoon "Once Upon a Time in Life"? But many people don't know that there are board games inspired by it. A board game in which children must answer 500 questions on 5 themes that will help them discover the human body. Fun and learning guaranteed! There are other variants such as: Once upon a time, Man, Once upon a time, our Earth or Once upon a time, the explorers.

For the child you want to introduce to ecology

To teach children to take care of the planet, they must first learn to love it by creating a contact. That's why we suggest trips to the park or the forest after school, but not only! In addition to breathing fresh air, you should take advantage of this time to fill the child's herbarium. A herbarium consists of a book in which tree leaves, flowers and sometimes even roots are placed, all dried and flattened. Next to these specimens, the child can note the name of the species, the family to which they belong or the place and date of harvest. To know how to make a herbarium from A to Z, go to here.

Kidlee and after-school care

Kidlee and after-school care

At Kidlee, we believe that it is important for children to feel fulfilled during their after-school care hours. That's why we support our great baby sitters through various workshops, training and fun content. So that they can offer the best home childcare in their turn. 

You are a parent and you want to know more about babysitting Kidlee? So, don't hesitate to write or call us! 

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