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Childcare: what is the salary of a babysitter?

par | Oct 8, 2020 | Special Edition

Being a babysitter is an ideal student job that allows you to combine classes and work with flexibility. And a student job also means a salary to finance your student life! So there's no question of being cheated and underpaid for the work you do, is there? It is therefore important to know more about what babysitting offers in terms of income.

Being a babysitter in a chosen family

When it comes to student jobs, it is quite normal to take the easy way out. So rather than registering somewhere, we tend to look for ourselves on ad sites directly. Of course, this means that we don't really know which family we can find for babysitting. But you can still get some very nice surprises and this suits many students! This way of working can be very efficient and suitable for someone who is looking for an apartment in exchange for babysitting.

With this type of babysitting, it is however very important to make a work contract with the family. This will allow you to be protected and insured in case of unforeseen events.

In this situation, the family is totally free to choose the income they will pay you. Of course, they are not allowed to pay you less than the minimum wage, otherwise it would be illegal. The hourly rate is usually around 9 or 10€.

Going through a babysitting agency

This is another way to find your ideal family without having to do the research yourself. By registering with a babysitting agency, you won't have to worry about the search because they will do it for you. They will make sure that the family corresponds to your criteria and vice versa. This way, you don't have to spend hours looking for the rare pearl while having a student job that corresponds to your expectations and your availability.

The rate as a babysitter in an agency is around 12€ per hour maximum. It is a way to be protected on your side while having a salary that is equal to the work done!

Kidlee's babysitter salary

And Kidlee in all this then?

Do we meet the criteria of the first or second category? Well, neither one nor the other!

At Kidlee, a babysitter can earn up to 15€ gross per hour of babysitting done! Nice, isn't it?

When we created our startup, we wanted to meet the needs of families and the criteria of students in terms of pricing and income. This way, families don't put all their money into childcare and the babysitters get paid what they expect! In addition, at Kidlee, we offer fun and creative babysitting for the best possible support for children.

How does it work?

When you register with us, all you have to do is fill in a form so that we can find out more about you and your criteria. Then, your Happiness Officer will take care of finding you a family that meets your expectations in the time slots you have available. This way, not only will you not have to spend several weeks looking for a family, but you will also be in a family that will match you at 100%! A good plan, isn't it?

To summarize

As we have seen, there are different ways to find your student job as a babysitter. Depending on your criteria and your desires, there are several ways to achieve this. Working as an extracurricular babysitter will allow you to adapt your student job to your schedule. On the other hand, the salary will change depending on the type of work you do.

Either you decide to take care of everything but the income is around 10€, or you are more ambitious and decide to let yourself be carried along while having a higher income that is equal to your work. The choice is yours!