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Environment and ecology: Youtube channels and videos to initiate children!

par | Apr 16, 2021 | Kids, Lifestyle, Parents

Ecology and environmental protection are, more than ever, subjects of global urgency that concern today, young and old.

Depletion of natural resources, industrial incidents, air, water and land pollution, waste, deforestation... human activities that are harmful to the environment are multiplying and accelerating the degradation of our planet and the extinction of several animal species. And while impacting on their passage, public health.

In this alarming context, it is more than essential to sensitize and initiate all the actors of our society to the urgent protection of the environment and to ecology.

To initiate and inform the youngest in a playful way, Kidlee has prepared a selection of the best videos and YouTube channels dedicated to ecology and environmental protection.

But first of all, why should children be introduced to environmental protection and ecology at an early age?

Nicolas Hulot said: "Ecology is also and above all a cultural problem. Respect for the environment requires a large number of behavioral changes". This is why it is essential to make the child bathe in an eco-responsible environment. After all, every little action taken today will have a result in the near future. Therefore, the future of planet Earth depends on the actions of future generations. It is never too late to reverse the curve and slow down climate change. To conclude, we just need to get started as soon as possible!

A video for every problem

How to explain ecology to children? 

Here, we won't talk about a single video, but about a whole series of videos. This is the playlist Ecology of the chain  "1 day, 1 question. 1 day, 1 question proposes to answer a child's question each day, in one minute and thirty seconds. The explanatory comment is always funny, the drawing is light and mischievous. The intention is to help the child to build his own reasoning and to obtain the keys that will allow him to form his own opinion.

The little favorite of the playlist is a video that gives the definition of a climate refugee.

How can we make the desire to take care of the planet germinate?

Presented in the form of a game, this video will not fail to tickle the curiosity of the child. They will have to identify situations that should not occur because they are harmful to the ecosystem. To become the best ecological detective and improve the world! 

Educational video created by Smile and Learn. With it, they will learn how to take care of the environment, in addition to tips and good practices such as taking care of plants, turning off lights ...  

What is global warming?

If your child has just asked you this question, don't panic. Here is a video created by Salamandre which summarizes this phenomenon. With at the end, some actions to protect the planet. To make people know, love and respect nature, such is the raison d'être of La Salamandre.

On this same channel, you will find several videos with the mention "My planet" in the title. You will find other videos that deal with different subjects. For example, renewable energies or biodiversity.

Climate change: understanding its causes and consequences to better respond

Created by the'ADEM, the Agency for Ecological Transition, this 4-minute video explains climate change by detailing in a targeted, clear and accessible way: its causes and consequences, to children aged 10 and over.

This video helps young people to better understand and assimilate the causes and consequences of climate change through a very explicit animation and an informative content both complete and rich. It addresses several themes such as greenhouse gases, sustainable development, biodiversity or the spread of diseases and then leads to actions and advice in favor of the environment.

How to teach children to respect the environment and ecology?

For the little ones, the Youtube channel The world of the Titounis dedicates a short video to ecology and environmental protection. Starting with a short cartoon about respecting the environment, this playful video ends with advice in song to initiate, in music, the little ones to ecology and the protection of our planet!

How to manually introduce the child to environmental protection and ecology?

For this, nothing better than one or more DIY. In fact, we just told you about 5 recycling workshops to do with your child. However, today we're back with not one, but 20 recycling Do It Yourself's for kids. From toilet paper rolls to Starbucks bags transformed into wallets, there is something for everyone.