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Children on vacation: how to keep them during the summer?

par | Jun 28, 2021 | Babysitting, Lifestyle, Parents

Summer is just around the corner, and summer means summer vacation! If you're a parent, that phrase doesn't stir up the same excitement as it used to. It's more like "how am I going to keep them busy all summer?". Put like that, it sounds like a rocky mission. Don't panic, Kidlee is here! And has prepared a list of solutions for a great vacation for kids and zero hassle for parents! 

A great family vacation with grandma, grandpa, auntie and uncle 

children's vacation with grandparent

Someone once said, "family is not about blood, it's about who holds your hand on the day you need it most". We'd like to add at the end, especially on the kids' vacation days.

In addition to being the least expensive option, it will strengthen family ties. Grandparents will be happy to catch up with their grandchildren. However, keep in mind that in times of pandemic, it is not advisable to visit grandma and grandpa if they have not been vaccinated.

In the family option, don't forget the auntie and the uncle! Then, you can even offer them to take care of their children next year.

Combining vacation and childcare

Between the baby sitter, childminder or au pair, you have a wide choice to keep your children. If you want to know more about the different types of childcare, go to here

Don't forget that there are financial aids that help finance your childcare so you won't have to say goodbye to your summer trip.

What if for the vacations, you registered your child at the leisure center?

These centers exist in all cities and towns in France, but are not distributed in the same way. They welcome children from 3 to 14 years old during the extracurricular period. In addition to the fact that the cost is lower, because it is calculated according to the family's resources, this option allows the child to really blossom. The child can make new friends, but also participate in sports or play activities, all organized by animators who have the BAFA.

If we take the example of Paris, there is a recreation center in each public nursery or elementary school. Therefore, Parisian leisure centers welcome children aged 3 to 5 years old in the maternal leisure centers and 6 to 14 years old in the elementary leisure centers. By the way, if you want to know what you need to do to register your child and when to do it, it's by here.

Summer camps

It is surely the most expensive solution, but it is also the best to offer your child a dream vacation. Why should you choose this option? The answer is here. Between theUCPA, PEP discoveries, Wakanga and Croq'vacancesThe least we can say is that you have a choice. As long as your little one is over 7 years old.

If you would like to help finance your child's stay, please read this article.

The au pair

The au pair is a foreign student who comes to France for his or her studies or simply for a linguistic and cultural immersion. 

Her mission is to integrate the family as a nanny and help with the household chores. A good exchange of services that is more than profitable. However, make sure you have an extra room to accommodate her.

Kidlee is here to save kids' vacations and yours!

Baby sitter kidlee

You have opted for the babysitting option during the summer vacations, but you lack time to find the ideal babysitter? You don't really know how to go about it? How to find the right person? Or do you simply want to leave this task to the specialists? Then go through Kidlee

Finding your top nanny with Kidlee is easy. Just register and fill in your needs for free and without obligation on kidlee.fr and we take over! Our specialists will work hard to find THE profile that meets your criteria and especially the needs of your children. Would you like to know more about Kidlee babysitting? Don't hesitate to write or call us! Our consultants will be happy to answer your questions. Find our contact information just HERE !