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Ecology explained to children : our advice for a good start!

par | May 3, 2021 | Babysitting tips, Kids, Lifestyle, Parents, Pedagogy Parents, For babysitters

The planet is in bad shape, as we keep reminding ourselves. The ecological crisis has caused and continues to cause havoc. The list of damage caused is long, but we can cite global warming, pollution, the extinction of biodiversity or the overexploitation of natural resources as examples. As adults, you understand the gravity of the situation. However, for a child, it is not likely to make him want to know more. That's why you have to be very subtle in the way you present things. That's why, Kidlee tells you everything you need to know to make ecology explained to children a real pleasure.

Ecology explained to children: how to do it well? 

Create a contact with nature 

It's hard to ask your child to care for the Earth if they don't feel a connection to it. The coolness of a moment under the shade of a tree, an ant struggling to carry a bread crumb or fish swirling in the ocean, oh how beautiful. Adults tend to forget that magic can be found in the simplest of things. Children marvel at the smallest things. This way, you will make him want to protect this whole ecosystem instead of imposing it on him. It is certain that things done with love are always better done.

To do this, discover our selection of 6 activities to connect children to nature just here.

Lead by example

Turning off the light when you leave the room, turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth, sorting your garbage... These are small ecological gestures that make a difference. The fact of explaining all this to the child is good, but showing him the example is even better. Indeed, if he sees that you don't apply what you say, why should he. Set a good example, for our dear planet, we count on you!

Ecology explained to children: the why and the how

Let's look at a very common situation. Your child is outside, drops a plastic bottle and leaves it there. You have to explain to your child that this waste is likely to be washed down the drain and then dumped in the sea. And your child will end up in the world of the Little Mermaid, which is not nice. Besides, Ariel is allergic to plastic! And even for us, enjoying the beach without litter is better than with it. If we pollute too much, one day we won't be able to swim anymore.

It is necessary to go far in the imagination to embark your child with you. Do not hesitate to multiply the metaphors to be able to sensitize it with ecology.

However, if you still can't, you can opt for other means. Like Youtube channels and videos to introduce children to ecology. Also, you can opt for short films like "A square for biodiversity" or "From Planeta" .

Teach children that ecology is fun!

Choosing a lifestyle that promotes sustainable development should not be felt as a constraint by your child, but more as an advantage.

You can make a chart of "simple gestures for the planet" and then put a star for each time it is done. And every night, you add up the stars to see if it's better than yesterday. Kids like to see their actions rewarded. Instead of stars as a reward, you can choose something else.

Also, you can opt for recycling to create new games for your child. Or, buy the toy of your child's dreams second hand and explain that it's always better to buy used instead of new.