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Definition: what is ecology?

par | May 26, 2021 | Information

What is the definition of ecology? Do you know that the word "ecology" has two meanings? Do you know the difference between an ecologist and an ecologist? How many types of ecology exist in our world? We suppose that you have a hard time finding the answer to these questions. How to better understand in order to better act? Kidlee answers all your questions to leave no grey area. Because it must be remembered that our planet is experiencing a continual malaise. To overcome this, documentation on the subject is necessary.

For example, in our daily life, while consuming or working, we burn oil, coal, gas, which leads to the release of greenhouse gases. These gases are the cause of global warming, which is expected to increase between 1.5 and 6 degrees by 2100. Yes, there is a reason why summers are getting hotter and hotter. And this is only one of the many results of general unconsciousness. 

Definition of ecology: one word, two meanings

Ecology, a scientific discipline 

The term ecology is built on the Greek oîkos "house" and lógos "speech": it is the science of habitat. This term was invented in the middle of the 19th century by Ernst HaeckelGerman Darwinist biologist. In his work General Morphology of Organisms, he referred to ecology as the science of the relationships of organisms with the surrounding world. Ecology, in the broad sense, is a science that studies the conditions of existence.
It is in this sense that the scientist Dajos clarified the meaning of the latter: ecology thus allows to study in natural environment, the conditions of existence and cohabitation of all the living beings and the functioning of the ecosystems.

Applied Ecology

The second definition of ecology, also what some people call "applied ecology", is a transdisciplinary approach. It is defined as the analysis of the interactions between the environment, habitat and biosphere with the economic, social, ethical and political functioning of human societies. This use of the word ecology appeared at the birth of the ecological movements in the 1960s.

Definition: what is political ecology? 

Political ecology, as opposed to scientific ecology, is a set of currents, widely spread since the 1970s. In this case, ecology takes into account the action of man on his environment in order to limit the damage caused such as global warming, the extinction of biodiversity, the destruction of ecosystems, the greenhouse effect or deforestation. With the objective of protecting ecosystems and biodiversity. And to allow us to live in an adequate environment.

The difference between an ecologist and an ecologist

In the beginning, the term "ecologist" referred to a person who had studied or worked in ecology, in a scientific sense.

That said, today the term "ecology" has become a word with two meanings where politics and science are mixed. So, we can find summaries of scientific works (popularized or not), defense of biodiversity and environment, reduction of pollution, organic farming.

As a result, the tendency has arisen to reserve "ecologist" for those who work within the strict scientific framework defined above, and "ecologist" for those who take action based on the conclusions of certain ecologists' work.

The ecological crisis, are we talking about it? 

An ecological crisis is when the living environment of a species or a population evolves in a way unfavorable to its survival. Today, we can say that this is the case. This ecological crisis is the consequence of pollution and imbalances generated by human activities. Moreover, global warming is one of the best known examples. There is also water and air pollution, overexploitation of resources and the extinction of certain species. And who knows, maybe one day Man will even be subject to extinction. But in the end, do we realize that we are self-destructing our habitat and all this for our own comfort?

This is not to be pessimistic, let alone alarmist, but it is time to act and a general awareness is needed. The objective is to slow down this ecological crisis. Besides, it is never too late to reverse the curve. So, it is time to put in place mechanisms to protect the ecosystem and try to avoid the worst.