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Home " Babysitting " cmg help and childcare: what you need to know for the best help!

cmg help and childcare: what you need to know for the best help!

par | Jan 29, 2021 | Babysitting, Information, Parents

Regardless of the type of childcare they choose, all parents have the possibility of benefiting from certain financial aid. And this, in order to reduce the cost of their childcare. Therefore, many parents are wondering about the financial aid related to childcare. Through this article, Kidlee explains what you need to know about the main financial aid that helps finance your childcare. The cmg aid or the Complément de libre choix de mode de garde de la PAJE (  Prestation d'accueil du jeune enfant ).

Help cmg : The complement of free choice of the mode of guard

Mainly, it is the Caisse d'Allocation Familiale (CAF) which provides specific assistance for childcare. The amount depends on your income. This aid is a complement of free choice of the mode of guard (CMG) of the PAJE.

It is dedicated to parents of children under 6 years of age who use a micro-crèche, a home-based childcare provider (nanny or babysitter) or a licensed childcare provider to care for their children. The attribution of this aid depends on certain conditions.

What are the conditions for obtaining CMG assistance?

Obviously, to be eligible for CMG assistance it is important to meet the following conditions: 

- Fill in the general conditions of the CAF in order to claim family benefits (such as being resident in France for example).

- Have a professional activity.

- If you use a childminder. She must be certified. And her gross salary must not exceed 51.25 € per day and per child.

- If you use a childcare association or agency that employs a nanny, the hourly volume of childcare must be at least 16 hours/month.

- For childcare in a micro-crèche, the caf only grants aid if the hourly volume of care is at least 16 hours per month. But also, if the hourly rate does not exceed 10 € per child. 

CMG assistance according to your childcare method 

Your child is in a daycare center, micro-crèche or kindergarten: 

The majority of crèches and kindergartens in France have agreements with CAF. The Caisse d'Allocation Familiale, which helps pay for your childcare. This means that these approved childcare establishments receive CAF funding directly. As a parent, you benefit from a preferential rate.

When a crèche or kindergarten takes care of your child, the amount of this supplement of free choice of the mode of care (CMG), is calculated according to a scale established by the Caf and according to various factors such as the resources of the family, the number of dependent children as well as their age. 

cmg assistance for children in micro-care centres

Furthermore, if you use a micro-crèche, a kindergarten or a crèche not financed by the PAJE Caf, you can receive direct assistance from the PAJE "structure". This is calculated according to your income and the number of children you have.

However, the number of hours of care must be equal to or greater than 16 hours/month and the rate charged must not exceed 10 euros per child for you to benefit from this cmg aid. 

cmg help: direct employment of an assmat or a nanny at home

When you directly employ your childminder, nanny or baby sitter at home as an employee, the caf covers part of his/her remuneration. The amount of this partial payment depends on your income, the number of children and their age.

That said, a minimum of 15 % of this expense will remain at your charge. And, it is the Pajemploi that grants you the Cmg remuneration. 

You use a childminder:

If you choose to work with a childcare provider, she must be certified by the maternal and child protection services in order to receive the CMG. In addition, her gross salary must not exceed €51.25 per day per child.

In this case, the PAJE covers the remuneration of your top assmat in a partial way and for each child kept. It also includes a total coverage of social contributions.

The calculation of the amount of this CMG remuneration is based on your income, the number of children and their ages. A minimum of 15 % of the expense will remain your responsibility. 

You call upon a home care: a babysitter, a top nanny ...

As with the employment of a childminder, you can also reduce the cost of your childcare by employing a babysitter, an au pair or a nanny at home. And this, by benefiting from the cmg of the Paje for children under 6 years old.  

And just like for the assmat, the calculation of the amount of this CMG is made according to your income, the number of children and their age. A minimum of 15 % of the expense will however remain at your charge.

Caf tables: income ceilings and maximum amounts of coverage

cmg aid: caf table illustrating income ceilings in force until december 31, 2021
These limits are increased by 40 % if you are raising your child(ren) alone.
cmg aid: cif table of maximum monthly amounts of cif support in case of direct remuneration of the employee
Source : CAF

cmg aid, CAF aid: via a childcare agency or a specialized association

If the employment of your childminder, au pair or babysitter is through a childcare association or agency, you will only be able to benefit from the PAJE cmg if your child is looked after for at least 16 hours a month.

If you go through a childcare agency, the amount of this partial coverage by the PAJE depends on your income, the number of children you have and their age. As for the other cases, a minimum of 15% of the cost of your childcare will remain at your charge.

Caf tables: income ceilings and maximum amounts of coverage

caf table illustrating income limits in force until december 31, 2021
These limits are increased by 40 % if you are raising your child(ren) alone.
cmg assistance: table of maximum monthly amounts of coverage according to income limits
Source : Caf

Cases of reduction or increase of the amounts

- These amounts are divided by two if you benefit from the shared child education benefit (PreParE). This benefit is paid for a part-time job of 50 % or less: 

- Under certain conditions, these amounts may be increased by : 

Useful information  

  • From the first month of your use of a childcare method. And if an association, a company or a service provider does not take care of it, think about applying for the supplement of free choice of childcare with your Caf. If you delay, you may not receive the full amount of aid to which you are entitled. Or at least not at the time you expect. 

  • If you use several different types of childcare simultaneously. It is possible to accumulate partial coverage under certain conditions. In this case, the amount of the Cmg takes into account all your expenses. But it cannot exceed a certain limit. Contact your Caf to get more details about the conditions for this accumulation according to your situation. 

  • In all cases and regardless of the type of care you choose. The CAF will not cover more than 85 % of your expenses.