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Our selection of the best 2021 Christmas gifts to give this year!

par | Dec 18, 2021 | News

Tick tock, tick tock, only a few days left before Christmas! The decoration ? It's done ! The Christmas Eve outfit is ready! The gifts ? Oops ! Don't panic, you are on the right article because Kidlee has prepared a list of the best gifts for this Christmas 2021. Come on, we won't keep you any longer, let's go! 

The 5 minutes journal 

"This journal is one of the easiest ways I've found to feel better and happier every day. Both in terms of personal accomplishment and concrete, measurable results." - Tim Ferriss aka the author.

If you haven't heard of the Gratitude Journal yet, we think you're living on the planet Mars. Based on the latest research in positive psychology, this journal is a way to cultivate this feeling in a sustainable way and take control of your life. This journal helps stimulate reflection and increase productivity in just 5 minutes a day! And that's thanks to positive rituals that help you achieve your goals.  

Books for Christmas 2021, it works every time!

People may think that giving a book as a gift is a cliché or even worse, that it's boring! But in reality, it can be a great idea if the person is passionate about a specific field. Finally, with the new year coming up, you can also give books for a "new year, new me". By the way, here are a Top 5 of the best personal development books to change your life.

A little tour in a beauty shop

Whether it's to buy a little perfume or the latest makeup palette, you'll surely find a little something for your friends who love to take care of themselves and swear by the "glow-up". In fact, before you go, we suggest you check their websites and their mobile applications for current discounts! It might help you to save a lot of money.

Christmas 2021: "Anything done with love is wonderful"

And we're not telling you this because you don't have enough money left for Christmas, but because it's the truth! Those little gifts that are all nice or sometimes all banged up can make your loved ones extremely happy, especially the parents/grandparents. So, we put here a small link for not one, but 55 ideas of gifts DIY. 

We keep this love in a photograph ! 

It's crazy how time flies and as Ed Sheeran said, we take pictures to keep our memories! Nowadays, with technology, we take beautiful pictures and we put them on Google photos and we don't come back to them anymore. Do you remember the time when you used to develop the photos to put them in an album and write the date at the bottom. Well, for this idea, what we suggest is that you go to Cewe to offer a photo book to your loved ones with the most beautiful moments of this year 2021. Plus, you get 10€ free when you sign up!

Feel free to share your Christmas 2021 gift ideas with us on Instagram!

And if not, have you thought about Kidlee to make ends meet?

how to babysit

Did you know that babysitting is ranked as one of the top hiring industries for students? The good news is that at KidleeThe more people we have, the happier we are! In addition, the registration is done in two times three movements, you just have to click here

Also, we accompany our great baby sitters through various workshops, trainings and playful contents. So that they can offer the best home childcare in their turn. 

Finally, a last argument for the road, our babysitters are paid up to 17 euros per hour, great no?