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Introduce your child to languages with a bilingual babysitter

par | Sep 30, 2020 | Babysitting

bilingual babysitter: an image with country flags

The awakening to languages consists in making children discover the diversity of foreign languages and sounds. From a very young age, children focus on the sounds they hear the most. He naturally identifies the sounds specific to his language. If the child benefits from a varied language bath from a very young age, he will have a greater sensitivity to various sounds. This will make it easier for them to acquire a new language in the future. With a bilingual babysitterThe child will be able to develop his or her ability to learn a new language from a very young age. In fact, bilingual childcare, for example after school, has many benefits for young children!

Awakening to foreign languages

In the awakening to languages, the approach is above all playful. The discovery of languages is done through activities (songs, nursery rhymes, artistic activities, stories, puppets,...). But also during daily life (meals,...).

Your bilingual nanny will use fun activities to teach your child a new language. If you already speak another language with your child on a daily basis, this will help your child progress further!

By practicing the chosen language on a daily basis, during childcare in English for example, the children will be used to it. And it won't be "weird" to switch to English or Spanish, etc...

It is also possible to dedicate only one hour of baby sitting per day where the child will hear and speak only the chosen language. Whatever activity the child is doing: playing, baking, bathing... It is better to focus on pleasant activities that the child likes to do and to congratulate him/her on his/her progress. It is with small initiatives like these that incredible results can be achieved without effort.

It is by speaking very regularly in another language that the child will gradually integrate the common words and it will become a habit. Why not try to do it gradually, starting with one activity a day in that language and then the rest of the time in French?

The different ways to learn a foreign language

Even if the babysitter is bilingual and you want your child to learn a foreign language, how is this possible with young children?

  • Music: it is an excellent ally to teach a child in a playful way. What could be better than a song with a catchy rhythm that stays in your head to learn vocabulary without realizing it?
  • The game: incorporate games into your daily life to learn a new language without realizing it. One of the simplest is to play the equivalent of "Jacques a dit". This game allows you to learn simple phrases and vocabulary and associate them with gestures.
  • Foreign culture: teaching a foreign language to a child should not be limited to learning vocabulary. Cooking typical dishes with your child, introducing him/her to the daily life of schoolchildren his age, the most famous tales, dances or some customs (the most popular holidays), exchanging during a shared custody, traveling to the country concerned during the school vacations or even showing him/her family photos from your country of origin are good ways to develop his/her interest in the language you wish to teach him/her. It's a great way to make your child happy while learning a new language!

These are some of the ways that bilingual babysitters help your child progress. But there are plenty of them, each one unique!

Find a bilingual babysitter

bilingual babysitter: flag of England

There are many childcare agencies that offer bilingual babysitters to look after your children. Au pair girls also offer to do this. Students who come from a foreign country and wish to discover France through babysitting. An English nanny, for example, would be ideal to introduce children to English.

bilingual babysitter: flag of Spain

At Kidlee, we also offer bilingual babysitters as part of our fun babysitting program. Thanks to our Montessori inspired training, our students are on the attack every day to help your children progress. They are able to help your children to progress in their chosen foreign language and to carry out rich and diversified activities without running out of ideas. The candidates come from the best higher education institutions and are selected by our team in order to offer you the best support for your child. For more information on this subject, just go to here.

In this way, learning a foreign language is done naturally and in a fun way, through daily exchanges and language games. Bilingual childcare allows the child to remain in a familiar environment and learn a language without realizing it. 

Choosing to hire a qualified person for your child's after-school care will allow you to be serene on a daily basis. A bilingual babysitter can bring a lot to the table. Thanks to our selection of candidates according to their profile, their experience and their motivation, the quality of their services will be guaranteed. Let's make room for serenity and confidence for the best possible support for your child!