The precariousness of baby-sitters is the struggle of all of us!
📣 Babysitting at Disproportionate Rates: Fairness and Transparency Must Prevail! Dear all, I'm taking the liberty of calling you today on an issue that concerns many of us: babysitting rates. At a time when the quality of children's education and well-being is at the heart of everyone's concerns, the...
Family, babysitting and fun activities blog
These 6 tips will help you ace your job interview in Paris!
After the top 4 sites to find the job that suits you. As well as tips made by Kidlee on how to get the right student job. We think it's time to start looking for a job...
Why is civil liability insurance essential for auto-entrepreneurs?
When you are a student, you think about minimizing your expenses as much as possible. Insurance? No, but why! As long as you're careful, it should be fine! Well, we're sorry to tell you this but no,...
Do you have a gifted child? Here are the warning signs
Do you know what Stephen Hawking and Emma Watson have in common? They both have an intellectual awareness of over 130. And this is the case of the gifted child. Other denominations can be...
Covid insulation: new rules and measures since January 3, 2022
Do you remember the meme that was all the rage on New Year's Eve? "When you realize 2022 is pronounced 2020 too". Well, you shouldn't have laughed about it so soon because here we go again. One more year in...
Epiphany 2022: 4 activities to do with your family for an unforgettable day
Christmas is over and so is the New Year. You think you are done with the festivities? Well no, there is one more for the road, the Epiphany! Yes, you know, the celebration that commemorates the...
You won't be bored on New Year's Eve with these 6 games and activities to share with the whole family
If you too watched this Friday's announcement, you're quite happy to know that there will be no curfew for the New Year. Oh but wait a minute, no fireworks, no...
Resolution 2022: top 6 to adopt in this new year!
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: "As for the future, it is not a matter of foreseeing it, but of making it possible. Let the dream devour your life, so that life does not devour your...
6 DIY recycled items to make your own Christmas and New Year cards with the kids
Emilie Soissons said "The magic of Christmas exists in the eyes of children and in the minds of adults". And fortunately Christmas rhymes with vacations, so young and old can spend many...
Why take out travel insurance when studying abroad?
Travel insurance is not the first thing on your mind when you go to study abroad! And yet, it is important to take care of it to leave serenely. We explain in 5 points...
Original Yule log recipe for kids
There's a lot more to Christmas than presents! Christmas dinner is a special time to gather around the table. The jokes...
Our selection of the best 2021 Christmas gifts to give this year!
Tick tock, tick tock, only a few days left before Christmas! The decoration ? It's done ! The Christmas Eve outfit is ready! The gifts ? Oops ! Don't panic, you are on the right article because Kidlee has prepared you...
Spice up your studio with this inexpensive Christmas decoration
Christmas is approaching fast and it's time to transform one's little cocoon for this magnificent celebration. However, when you're a student, you don't really have the means to make...