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Becoming a babysitter: our tips for being a top nanny

par | Mar 11, 2021 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips

Are you a student and want to finance your studies? Or a high school student and you want to earn some pocket money? Are you comfortable with children? Then what are you waiting for to become a babysitter? 

What if we told you that becoming a top nanny is not that difficult? Even better, Kidlee has prepared all the information you need to become a top babysitter or nanny! 

At what age can you become a babysitter?

Before you can be a top nanny, make sure you can be a nanny at all! 

In theory, the legal age to work is 16. However, babysitting from the age of 14 is allowed if you have written permission from your parents. Moreover, in this case, babysitting can only be done during school vacations and under the following conditions:

  • School vacations must last at least 14 days.
  • The minor must have a continuous rest period of at least half the total duration of the vacation.
  • He/she is assigned to light work that does not pose a risk to his/her safety, health or development.

Under no circumstances can you babysit if you are under 14 years old. You can find all the information on this subject at here.

How to become a babysitter?

Becoming a self-employed babysitter

A girl looking for a babysitter

Word of mouth, local ads or ads on specialized websites. So, you have a wide choice of tools to make yourself known. Therefore, you will have the status ofauto-entrepreneur. However, it is important to know that this status is dedicated to those 18 years and older.

Become a baby sitter via an agency

Today, many parents use agencies to find the perfect childcare provider. If you want to know more about how the recruitment process works, it is here. In addition, at KidleeIn addition, babysitters are paid €14 net per hour and can benefit from training and ongoing support.

Our tips for being a top nanny

You want to do more than babysit

More is always better! Parents want someone to take care of the children when they are busy. But if you also give them a bath and help them with their homework. Then, if you can also prepare the children's snacks. It is safe to say that the children will only be eager to get back to their great babysitter.

You have a sense of responsibility

Parents are looking for a mature person to look after their children. Therefore, you will have to be serious, mature and responsible.

You are flexible 

Parents want to go out for dinner, they need you! Yes, even though you usually only put on your nanny's hat on Wednesdays. So, with a big smile, you'll change your schedule to save the parents. This way, you'll get the gold medal of the super nanny.

The necessary training to become a top baby sitter

Becoming a baby sitter: informative infographic on the BAFA

It's true that no training is necessary to take care of children over three years old, but it's an added value. And it's always useful to train and learn more. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the latter: 

The top nanny has the BAFA

The "Brevet d'Aptitude aux Fonctions d'Animateur" is obtained in three stages (theoretical, practical and advanced training) which must be completed within a maximum period of 30 months. The BAFA is a useful diploma to work in summer camps or in day camps. If you want to know more, it's through here.

First aid training

As a babysitter, you are responsible for your child's safety at all times. Because accidents can happen quickly, it is essential to know first aid.

It lasts about 7 hours and costs about 60 €. And it is the Red Cross as well as the Fire Brigade that provide first aid training.

In this regard, you should know that at Kidleewe offer you first aid training. And this, as soon as the top nanny you are integrates the community!

And above all, don't forget your first aid kit.

The Early Childhood CAP

If you want to take care of children full time, you can go for a CAP Petite Enfance. The CAP (certificat d'aptitude professionnelle) is a national vocational diploma issued by the Ministry of Education. It is prepared in 2 years after the 9th grade, either full-time or as an apprenticeship. Depending on the student's profile and needs, the diploma can also be prepared in 1, 2 or 3 years.

Obviously, nobody's perfect, so you don't have to meet all the requirements to be a top nanny. But the closer you get, the better! Are you ready to take the plunge, but don't really know how to go about it? Take a look at here to get your next babysitting job!