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Babysitting after school: 8 tips to be a babysitter loved by children and parents

par | Sep 15, 2021 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips

Isn't it time to find a student job? We hear that you've already chosen to do babysitting and not just any babysitting, babysitting after school! Well, you did the right thing! In addition to being one of the sectors that recruits the most students, it is really rewarding humanly speaking, especially if you love children. Also, after-school care usually lasts only 2 to 3 hours a day, which fits perfectly with your student schedule. For a great daycare, Kidlee has prepared some tips for you to become a top baby sitter adored by children and parents.

You want to do more than babysit

More is always better! Parents want someone to take care of the kids when they're busy. But if you also help with homework and offer activities on the way home. It's safe to say that the kids will be eager to get back to their great babysitter.

A great and punctual baby sitter

It is important to know that the first step in the after-school care process is to pick up your child at the school gate. So, you should already be there when the bell rings to take the child home from school.

Babysitting after school: you know the importance of snacks

After school comes the favorite time of the children, it is indeed the time of the snack! And the top nanny that you are has already prepared a list of snack recipes to try with the kids

You help the children finish all their homework before the parents come home

And yes, homework time is also part of after-school care. After the snack, we take advantage of this free time to finish with the homework.

babysitting after school: you tell them stories 

Once the children have been bathed, it's time to put on pajamas in preparation for bedtime. And at this time, reading a story is always recommended. If you want to know why, check out our article: Why should we tell stories to children?

You are a responsible person

Parents are looking for a mature person to look after their children. Therefore, you will have to be serious, mature and responsible.

Babysitting after school: you respect the parents' choices

As a baby sitter you must respect the parents' wishes. Also, you must always take the agreement of the latter and respect their choices.

You are becoming a Kidlee babysitter!

Obviously, no one is perfect, so you don't have to fulfill all the qualities. But the closer you get, the better! 

At Kidlee, we believe that it is important for children to feel good about themselves during childcare hours. That's why we support our great baby sitters through various workshops, trainings and fun content. In order for them to offer the best support to their turn. 

In other words, sign up with Kidlee (if you haven't already) and you'll have no shortage of resources to keep the kids busy while you babysit. To discover our world, just click here !

Are you a parent and want to know more about Kidlee Babysitting? Then don't hesitate to write or call us! Our consultants will be happy to answer your questions. Find our contact information just HERE !