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Babysitting: the basics of childcare for beginners

par | Mar 5, 2021 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips

Childcare as student job is an attractive job for many! But, as Ben, the uncle of Peter Parker (Spiderman 2002) "With great power comes great responsibility." To help you see more clearly in the field of childcare, Kidlee  helps you to check if you are made for this great student job. And above all, to inform you about the basics of baby sitting for beginners.

Do you have the profile for baby sitting?

Young man taking care of the little girl during a baby sitting
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First of all, before you start looking for an assignment, take the time to get to know yourself and ask yourself what kind of baby sitter you are. However, it is necessary to be of legal age to do babysitting. In addition, you must be of legal age to obtain the position of babysitter. And whether it is in direct employment with a family or via a childcare agency.  

As attractive as this student job or, it is also necessary that it is in accordance with your character and your centers of interests. A babysitter must obviously like children, be warm, open and have an easy contact with them. If you don't like children, it will show right away and childcare will be more of an ordeal than a pleasure. student job attractive. 

What other qualities?

All babysitter must be responsible, punctual and reassuring, but he must also show great patience! The super babysitter must also be trustworthy, serious and above all listen to the children and the parents' instructions. These qualities are essential to make a success of your job. babysitting. Please see our article for more information: What are the golden qualities to be an ideal babysitter?

It is also important to know that acquiring the qualities required for the baby sitting is one thing, knowing combine student life with personal life and babysitting is another one! Your balance is important! That's why it's best to be organized and to study the possibilities.

Secondly, it is advisable and even necessary to know first aid and to have the ability to keep one's composure in case of problems in order to better manage them. If you have the BAFAIf you're not sure what to do, you should know that it's also very much appreciated and that you're on the right track.

Making baby sitting Indeed, it implies that you commit yourself to ensure the physical and emotional safety of the children for whom you are responsible while carefully respecting the parents' directives. It also means accompanying them in their development and evolution! To do this, list your skills, passions and know-how that you can pass on or learn. Put forward your pedagogical sense.

I have a baby sitting profile! Where to start ? 

Take the children to the park during baby sitting
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You have the profile of a babysitter? great! Now you'll have to find a babysitter. There are many ways to find a babysitter: it can be by word of mouth, but you may have to wait a while before you find one. But it can be a good start if you have no experience.

You can also write an ad to offer your services on a childcare website. Or even answer an ad of parents who are looking for them. You can also register on a platform or an application of babysitting to eventually join an agency. Generally this is the quickest and safest way to find a guard. However, a previous experience of child care is required, whether in the family circle or with individuals, you must have a minimum of experience to be recruited by a babysitting agency

Childcare must be adapted to :

Preparing for baby sitting: 

Baby sitter in full activity with a little girl
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That's it! You have the profile, and you have landed a suitable childcare! Congratulations! 

Let's start planning your baby sitting!  Prepare your baby sitting and questions to ask parents. That way, you'll be able to get your stories straight. 

Think of the children you babysit as your little brothers or sisters, baby sitters have a special place with children. They will see you as their confidant, their first guidance counselor, their support teacher, their friend, and sometimes even their idol! 

You are building relationships that are as important to you as they are to you, so why not choose to be a great babysitter for them

Student job and baby sitting with Kidlee!

Baby sitting Kidlee

Making baby sitting with Kidlee will mean that you will never be alone! 

A team of counselors will be there to answer all your questions and help you with your administrative procedures. It is also to find several activities to realize with the children according to their interests and preferences. And this on the blog from Kidleenewsletters and accounts Instagram. Kidlee provides comprehensive guidance and advice so that you never run out of ideas and resources

Being a baby sitter at Kidlee However, it implies to be serious, punctual and committed! But also to always bring an added value to the child by sharing your passions.

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