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How much can you earn as a baby sitter?

par | Jan 19, 2020 | Babysitting, Information

You are about to start babysitting or to take over childcare and you are wondering about the baby sitter's salary that you can claim?

When you are a student, babysitting is certainly the ideal job in terms of flexibility. However, it is not so easy to establish or adjust a childcare rate. Especially, when it depends on various factors and changes in time. 

Indeed, whether it is in direct jobThe rates for babysitting vary throughout France. 

Why so many different rates when it comes to baby sitter pay?

First of all, it is important to underline that the babysitting rates are, at first, calculated according to the legal minimum imposed by the collective agreement. In other words, the hourly minimum wage. But also, from the market rates and the agency costs. The hour of care is therefore paid from what is socially and legally agreed on the one hand, and from the market rates on the other hand.  

The minimum hourly wage for baby sitting has been updated in 2021, the minimum cost established by agreement is 10,25€ gross per hour for those over 18 years old. For those under 17 years of age, the minimum wage is 9,23€ gross/h. Finally, an hourly rate of 8,20€ The minimum gross/h is set for ages 16 and under. Nevertheless, the rate for babysitting is actually very variable. 

Other factors have a great impact on the salary variation of baby sitters. Indeed, fixing the rate of childcare depends on several parameters. Such as: the geographical area, the number of children to be looked after or the services requested. In addition, other expenses may be taken into account such as transportation and meal expenses. 

The geographical area, factor impacting on the remuneration of the baby sitter

The main factor in the definition of a baby sitter's salary is the geographical location of the latter. Indeed, according to the density of the population, the offer and the demand vary, the rates relating to the baby-sitting in France are not the same everywhere.

According to the study made by Yoopies: if you live in Brittany, for example, you will certainly not get the same remuneration as a baby sitter living in Ile de France. It is, in fact, in this region that parents invest the most in babysitting. Parents there spend an average of 9.51 euros net/hour.

Some cities are distinguished by a significant difference in rates. Sometimes, downward, as in the Hauts-de-France region where the salary does not generally exceed 9.00 euros net/hour. Or, on the rise, as in Corsica or in the PACA region, where baby sitters are paid no less than 9.39€ and 9.45€ net/hour. 

The French region favoring the emergence of the highest rates, however, remains the region of Ile-de-France. In this region, the remuneration of a baby sitter varies between 9.51 and 12 euros net per hour, and in some cases, up to 14 euros net per hour. 

What about the other factors?

In addition to the pre-determined minimum wage and the rates in your area, other factors may guide the calculation of your childcare rates. If you are recruited by direct employment, it is advisable to set your rates by mutual agreement with the parents. This is done by taking into account the hourly volume, the number of children, your service and also your additional expenses. In particular, your transportation and meal expenses.

Number of children and benefit

If the number of children to be cared for is more than two or three, it is possible to ask for a bonus. However, this does not mean multiplying the smic by the number of children cared for. Also, if the services requested by your employer include, for example, help with homework, initiation to a language or housework, your rate will obviously have to be calculated according to these additional services to the simple childcare. 

The additional expenses to be taken into account to define the remuneration of the baby sitter

If you are required to take a bus or cab to reach the family's home, the family will have to contribute to the payment of your travel expenses. The same applies to your meals. If you work late hours, or on the contrary, if you start your babysitting job early in the morning, you can also ask your employer to cover this expense by adding meal expenses to your babysitting salary or to allow you to have your meal at their home.

In sum, calculating your childcare rate depends on a number of different points. If you are directly employed, it is important to take into consideration the above-mentioned factors before setting your salary. If you are recruited by an agency, the rates are predetermined by the agency and differ from one agency to another. In addition, if you have the status micro-entrepreneur In this case, your employer will not have to pay any additional charges on top of your salary. In this case, your employer will not have to pay any additional charges on top of your salary. 

Want to find childcare assignments near you?

Know that Kidlee is recruiting! Our goal is to offer the best possible income for our baby sitters as well as fair rates for parents. Our baby sitters also benefit from dedicated support throughout their mission. And this, while benefiting from training and workshops allowing them to adhere to the best practices of childcare. 

So don't wait any longer and register on the website  Kidlee