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ACTIVITY for children : initiation and salt dough workshops !

par | Apr 19, 2021 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips, Do It Yourself, Games, Games and Development, Parents

Maria Montessori said "it is by the hand that the spirit is formed". According to Montessori pedagogyThe Montessori method is based on the idea that the intellectual development of the child is linked to his or her senses. The advantage of the Montessori method is that you can practice any type of activity for children without the need to buy specific materials and this is the case of salt dough. Kidlee has prepared some activities for children with salt dough that will make them happy!

But first, why choose salt dough?

An economical and ecological activity for children

Child's activity: two glasses of flour, one glass of water, one glass of salt
Child and baby leisure

Nothing could be easier than making your own salt dough. Yes, even for your 2 year old. Plus, you're sure to have all the ingredients in the kitchen cupboard. Here is THE salt dough recipe: 

  • 2 glasses of flour 
  • 1 glass of salt
  • 1 glass of warm water

Food coloring, gouache, ink or saffron

First, start by mixing the two glasses of flour with the glass of salt. Then add the warm water and knead until a dough is obtained. At the end, add coloring to the child's liking. The dough ball should be soft and not stick to the fingers.

If the child is allergic or intolerant to gluten (celiac disease), simply replace the flour with rice flour. Find the detailed recipe for Avec plaisir's gluten-free and corn-free salt dough here.

A children's activity as an outlet

In addition to the fact that this activity is a real development tool for the child, because it serves to transform abilities into knowledge. It also allows him to externalize. Whether it is an excess of energy or a tantrum, salt dough is there to calm.

A sensory and creative activity 

Whether it is in the choice of colors or shape or additional decorations. Everything is available to allow the creativity of the little one to express itself through its little hands.

An activity for children to share together

Salt dough works every time and for all ages. For example, if you want to occupy two children aged 6 and 2, it's a great idea for an activity. You just have to adapt the utensils to the motor skills of each child. 

Initiation to salt dough 

The kit for a salt dough workshop

Now you know that the dough base is available in your kitchen. You can enhance this moment with the right tools to shape the fresh dough.

  • Toothpick
  • Cookie cutters
  • Rolling pin
  • Butter knife
  • Spoon and fork
  • Small objects to give the impression

Salt dough workshops 

A souvenir in salt dough

Activity for children: a salt dough print

Once your salt dough is ready, start by flattening it with a rolling pin and cutting out circles to incorporate your child's hand or footprint. Then press your child's hand or foot into the dough to leave the mark. 

You can write a word, a date or your child's name with a toothpick. Finally, bake your creation at 200°F for a few hours or let it air dry for a few days. If you are a babysitter, consider doing this activity with the child and offer the creation for holidays like Mother's Day or Father's Day.

You will find the DIY in detail here.

A salt dough volcano for little budding laboratory workers 

Did you know that you can make any shape with salt dough? We have a little crush on the volcano. Just take an empty toilet paper roll and work the dough around it. In order to give it the shape of a volcano. Then we put it in the oven for a little hour and we let it cool. We take out the brushes to give color to this volcano. And to finish, baking soda at the bottom of the volcano to which we add vinegar in several times to give life to the lava. Don't forget to add red or orange dye with the baking soda to make the lava look real. Also, stay close to the children to avoid any accidents.

Find the complete tutorial here.

A hedgehog made of salt dough

As the days go by

For this super fun DIY, in addition to the salt dough, you'll need to have some pasta on hand. Ideally, spaghetti or penne. Let the child shape it as desired. Then make the pasta available so that he can place it on the body of the hedgehog. After that, allow about 12 hours for drying. Finally, 2 hours in the oven and it is ready.

The world of salt dough is infinite and helps develop a child's fine motor skills! This is why the babysitters Kidlee make sure that children discover this world from an early age! 

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